----- 1.James Todd was born Jan 16 1748/49 in Niantrim Co Ireland.He married Sarah Jane Buchanan they married Sep 17 1777.They had the following childern
------2.Mary Polly Todd
------3.Nancy Todd
------4.John Buchanan Todd
------5.Jennie Todd
------6.Ester Todd
------9.James M Todd
------10.Sara Todd
------2.Mary Polly Todd was born abt 1778 and married Robert Casebolt
------3.Nacy Todd was born Aug 2 1780 and married Henery Phenix
------4.John B Todd was born Sep 1783 in Nashvill TN he married Nancy Kemper Jun 26 1806 in Walnut Hills OH.They had the following childern
-----11.Presley Todd
-----12.James M Todd
-----13.Isabella B Todd
-----14.Mary Todd
-----15.Samuel Todd
------16.Caroline Todd
------17.Stephen Todd