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He loves me, he loves me not...

\\I like...

.gothic hippies.
.looking at the night sky.
.fiona apple.
.my dad.
.when i get along with my mom.
.my school. (yes i like my school)
.horror movies.
.edgar allen poe.
.bob fosse.
.being me.
.my puppy, Lucy.
.angela's siamese kats.
.people with accents. (i love british accents the most)
.talking with accents. (british, swedish, irish, australian, scottish, italian, southern, brooklyn, etc)
.deep "philisophical" discussions.
.staying up really late.
.watching classic movies.
.watching movies in general.
.hugging people.
.getting mail.
.making people laugh.
.being a Cancer.
.with a scorpio rising.
.my "cancerian" mood swings. (i don't suffer from the "monthly" mood swings resulting from...n/m...)
.looking at colleges.
.new york. (never been...yet)
.london. (never been either but i'll go one of these days)
.my really good friends.
.fried rice.
.diet coke.
.italian food.
.going to see plays.
.being in plays.
.fire. (not like...burning houses fire...not "Carrie" fire)
.open-minded people.
.Librans, Pisceans, and Cancers. (and just astrology in general hehe)
.playing cards w/ Jenny while everyone's outside at the beach.
.wearing my dad's BIG sweatshirts.
.being right.
.loud music.
.my dad's side of the family.
.New Moon Gallery.
.being somewhat of a psychic.
.going to the movies.
.being depressed. (for some reason, everything is calmer, more serene and i'm more creative)

\\I dislike...

-How society contradicts itself (ask me if you don't know what i mean)
-close-minded people
-being sick
-overly religious people
-stuck up preps
-walking through pitch-black room and thinking about "The Shining"
-Britney Spears
-Mariah Carey
-Christina Algu---I won't even bother spelling it.
-non-original people
-overly perkiness
-people who think i'm only hyper
-overly fake people
-when my parents fight
-my brother's teacher at Riverdale Elementary.
-people who pretend to be smarter than they really are
-being lied to
-being treated like a little kid
-people who have plenty of money but are selfish and won't give you a dollar to go buy a drink.
-stereotypes (don't get me started)
-most rap
-most country
-beans (i hate them all)
-people who think i'm anorexic just because i don't eat breakfast and eat a small lunch...(do i LOOK anorexic to you?)
-people who say "Kendall that's bad for you!" when I say that I get like 3 hours of sleep (or less) a night...*ahem L.S.*
-people who think wicca is satanism.
-arrogant people
