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I. The Basis for Honesty
A. God's Character
vs. Duet. 10:17-18
1. No Partiality
2. No Bribes
3. Fair and Just
B. Bible

II. God doesn't want us to have any part in dishonesty.
vs. Prov. 6:16-19
-Lying Tongue
-False Witness
A. God is against lying because it's against his nature.
vs. John 5:6- The Spirit is Truth
vs. John 14:6- God is the Truth
vs. John 18:37- Everyone wants truth
*What is Truth?
-Truth is reality from God's point of view.
vs. I Peter 2:22-23
vs. Heb. 6:18
B. God doesn't want us to have any part in dishonesty because Satan is the father of lies.
vs. John 8:18-47 [44]
C. God is against dishonesty because it is not loving.
vs. Prov. 25:18
-Slander: To say untrue things about somebody to hurt their reputation.
*Who it hurts
1. Liar- Because people find out
2. Person lied about- ruins his reputation.
3. Person lied to- he told other people and now he lied too.
D. Because it hurts the person who is lying.
1. He/She is soon caught up in the habit of lying.
2. He/She begins associating with liars.
vs. I Tim. 4:2
3. He/She gets a reputation of being a liar.
vs. Prov. 22:1
4. Usually lies become known.

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