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A Philosophy of Music

by Mr. Patrick

I. The Foundation
A. The Bible is the source of all truth
B. The Bible has hundreds of verses that directly refer to music
1. This shows music is important to God
2. Satan loves to pervert good things God gives us
A. medicine
B. food
C. music

II. Music in its purest form is allmoral
A. allmoral=pure
B. God created music for us to enjoy
C. When humans create music, it comes from 2 sources-
1. God-given ability
2. Individuals background and philosophy
D. When humans create music it is moral or immoral

III. Music is not neutral, it causes emotion

IV. It amplifies emotion, it is the strongest method to get a message across
A. It paints a picture
B. The business world understands this

V. Messages in music are most effective when compatable
A. This compatability can be
1. innate- inborn; all born with certain kinds of things
2. enviromental- If your enviroment was sad, it is sad now

VI. Because music is so powerful God wants to use it for good in our lives
vs. Proverbs 23:7
A. How much secular anything we put in our lives affects our relationship with the Lord
B. How much Christian anything we put in our lives affects our relationship with the Lord

VII. Scriptural Principals to apply to any secular music
principle- general truth
rule- exactly what is right or wrong
A. Phil. 4:8
B. Col 2:8
C. Ps 40:3
D. Ps. 33:3
E. Ps. 149:1
F. Isaih 42:10
G. Rev. 5:9
H. Rev. 14:3

VIII. Mr. Patrick's Opinion
A. Some types of Christian Music
1. introspective- look or examine your life (slower)
2. worship/praise- hymns, about adoring God (medium or fast)
3. motivational- get you to do something (fast)
4. entertainment- not exactly Christian (any speed)
5. questionable- they may call themselves Christian but their words or actions say otherwise (rock)
B. Things wrong with some Christian music
1. Some Christian music is more business than ministry
2. Has become more entertainment
3. Christian Artists on wrong shows

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