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Peer Pressure

by Mr. Beach

I. What is Peer Pressure?
A. Pressure to act, think, and look like the group.

II. How do you resist peer pressure?
A. Realize that the worldly way of thinking is against God and won't work.
B. What does worldly mean?
Lust= Strong desire, longing
Flesh= Feel good, pleasure
Eyes= Things, "stuff"
Pride of Life= Bragging, boasting
1. Lust of the flesh
a. Wrong/Bad desires-
i. Smoking
ii. Getting Drunk
iii. Drugs
b. Extreme desires
i. Eating (gluttony)
ii. Sleeping (laziness)
vs. Colossians 3:23
2. Lust of the eyes
a. Catagories
i. Name Brand Clothes
vs. Matthew 6:28-30
ii. Clothes
vs. Philippians 4:11-12
iii. Money
vs. I Timothy 6:8-11
3. Pride of Life
i. Sports/Athletics
vs. Psalm 147:10-11
ii. Looks
vs. I Samuel 16:7
iii. People/Friends (Clique)

III. A Christian can overcome Peer Pressure by being prepared for rejection
A. Realizing that we must choose between God accepting us and the the world accepting us.
vs. 2 Timothy 3:12; John 15:20; John 17:14-15; James 4:4
B. Realizing that the world is rejecting Christ, not us.
C. Realizing that Christ says we're blessed when we're rejected.
vs. Matthew 5:10-12
D. Seeing people from God's point of view.
vs. Isaih 2:20
1. Man is small and weak in God's eyes.
vs. Isaih 50:15-17, Psalm 146:3-4
2. God sees man through eyes of compassion.
vs. Matthew 9:36
3. God sees man with an eternal perspective.
vs. James 4:14; Psalm 49

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