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By Mr. Patrick

I. What prayer is not-
A. is not a gimme-session
B. is not big words of elegant speech
C. is not to impress others
D. is not a sermon
E. is not only for church, meals, and bedtime
F. is not just folding your hands or closing your eyes
G. is not a nursery rhyme
H. is not a magic genie
I. is not a ritual

II. What Prayer is-
A. Simply a conversation between you and God
B. A running conversation, anywhere, anytime.
vs. I Thessalonians 5:17
C. respectful, but warm
vs. Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15, Galations 4:6
D. Includes the following-
1. Asking- needs you have, not a gimme-session
2. Thanking- thanking him for what he's done
3. Praising/Worship- he is good
4. Sharing- Tell him things (about your day, and stuff)
5. Confession- Admit sin

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