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Hiya name is Darcie and this is my page created just for me by my Aunt Lainee! Wasn't it so nice of her to do this for me?

Here are some pictures of me and I do hope you enjoy them.

This is me with my mommy......isn't she pretty? She is so nice and sweet also...............well most of the time!

This is me with our doggie. Her name is Tosha and she is my favorite pal. Well, next to my daddy that is!

This is me on my second birthday. Since I don't really remember my first birthday guess this would be my first real birthday, hmmmm?
Wonder what is down in there will it bite?

This is my daddy, mommy and Tosha! I have my daddy totally wrapped inside my little fist. SHHHHHH.........don't tell him it will be our little secret! ;)

Ya'll check back often cause Aunt Lainee says she is gonna update as often as my mommy and daddy get some new pictures to her.
Bye for this time!

To go back and see pictures of my cousins click here:

To go see more of Aunt Lainees page click here:

graphics by:Victorian Via Von