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Mountain View Standard March 27, 1925

James Fisher, who has been so low since early in January, is now recovering slowly.  He had typhoid fever and is just at the "eating" stage.

Elverton Denton died at the home of Jim Ledbetter Thursday night.

Mountain View Standard April 23, 1926

Mrs. Betty Campbell spent Monday with Mrs. Dave Sells.

Wadie and Margorie Campbell visited Isabel Sells Tuesday evening.

Mountain View Standard November 4, 1932

What might have been a serious accident occurred Friday night near the Guy Tranbarger home when a car driven by Paul Ellot struck the wagon in which the Wade and Roll Yarber families were riding and upset it.  Everyone was thrown out of the wagon but no one was seriously injured. Mrs. Roll Yarber was shaken up considerably and rather stiff from the fall.  However, they proceeded to the Guy Tranbarger home where they joined the celebration which was being held in honor of Mrs. Tranbarger's birthday.

Mesdames Lee Flood, Herschel White and J. L. Beason visited at the Eliza Cox home Thursday.

Mountain View Standard January 25,  1951

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gates of Kansas City are the parents of a baby daughter born January 10.  Mrs. C. E. Denton returned Thursday night to her home here after a three week stay with her daughter there.

Allie Davidson has been suffering from an ulcerated tooth.

Mountain View Standard March 8, 1951

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denton who resides on the Jack Lucas farm have received word that their son, Virgil who is stationed on Guam, has been promoted to Sergeant.

Mountain View Standard April 5, 1951

Clarence Denton is a patient in the Veterans Hospital in Poplar Bluff, Mo., where he has been for the past two weeks.  Mr George and Franklin Davidson and Mrs. C. E. Denton accompanied him to the hospital and returned home the next day.

Mountain View Standard December 6, 1951

Mrs. Jack Yarber says that their Thanksgiving trip included not only their visit at the Lanier home in Kansas City but also a visit with Jack's sister, Evelyn, in Wichita, Kansas.  Jack is seen frequently these days at the old Dutch Smotherman place which he has just purchased.

Sgt. Virgil Denton who returned recently from 18  months on Guam, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denton.  He will leave December 8 for East St. Louis where he will be staationed.  He reenlisted for 6 years.

Mountain View Standard August 7, 1952

Sgt. Virgil Denton who is stationed near St. Louis, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denton at the Kenaga Ranch.

Mountain View Standard January 15, 1953

Sgt. Virgil Denton who is stationed at Scott Field, Ill. is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denton.  He was accompanied here by a friend, who is also a guest at the Denton home.

Mountain View Standard January 22, 1953

Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Helen Hatfield Jan. 15 and the day was spent quilting for the hostess. Reva J. Tate and Alice Horst received Birthday presents from their secret Aid sisters.  Those who enjoyed the day were mesdames Gladys Vickers, Ruth DeBoard, Jeanette Ferguson, Alice Horst, Martha Mock, Rubye Horst, Josephine Vichers, Madge Davidson, Rosa Davidson, and La Verna Acklin.  Mrs. Hatfield was ill that day and her mother Mrs. Nell Lucas had charge of the dinner.  Children present were David Horst and Terry Lee Mock.  Our next meeting will be Feb. 6th with Mrs. Josephine Vickers.

Mountain View Standard February 26, 1953

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lee and children visited at the Floyd Trowbridge home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson and daughter Lola Faye visited relatives in Okain, Ark., last week end.  They especially to visit Mrs. Davidson's brother, Luther Denton who has recently returned home from the Missouri Pacific Hospital in St. Louis where he had been a patient for several months.

Sgt. Virgil Denton departed recently for the east coast where he will sail for duty in Europe.

Mountain View Standard April 30, 1953

Word has been received here from Virgil Denton.  He would appreciate hearing from his friends.  His address is  A Ic Virgil M. Denton, 80 Inet Sqdn, APO  30 care of P. M. New York, N.  Y.  Virgil is now stationed at Casablanca, French Morocco, North Africa.

Mountain View Standard August  22, 1957

Mrs. George Davidson visited several days last week in St. Louis.

Mountain View Standard April 12, 1973

Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Yarber and three grandchildren, Jo Egley and Mrs. Annie Bierman of near Little Rock, Ark. had supper Sat. night with Mrs. Catherine Dirks.

Aunt Mary Lee spent Tuesday with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson.  George and Madge took Aunt Mary out to supper at West Plains Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Katherine Dirks had dinner with the Womacks Sunday.

Mrs. Katherine Dirks had word that her son Virgil Denton is back in the hospital in Maryland in very poor condition.
Virgil grew up here at Mtn. View and attended school at Forest Dell and Mtn. View.  Friends may like to send him a card to brighten up his stay in the hospital.  So here is his address.  Virgil M. Denton, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, 20014.
We wish for Virgil a quick recovery and the best of health.

John Denton and Mrs. Thelma Williams went to Springfield one day last week.  John had his regular checkup with the doctor there.

Mountain View Standard May 24, 1973

A supper honoring Mrs. Bertha Flood was served last Thursday night at the Community Room with a family group present.  Mrs. Flood spent last winter at the Fremont Manor Home in Springfield, then returned to Mtn. View in March to close her home here.  Her daughters Ruth Donaldson and Thelma White helped her with this work.  Thelma came from her home in Glenside, Pa. and spent several weeks here with her mother before returning to her own home.  Now, Mrs. Flood will be returning to Springfield to make her home there.  Our best wishes go with her.  She will enjoy having friends visit her there.  The nursing home is located just one block west of the Battlefield Mall.  The address will be Mrs. Bertha Flood  219 South Fremont, Springfield, Mo. 65804.

Mountain View Standard June 21, 1973

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunter and children from up Rolla way visited at the home of her parents, the George Davidsons, over the weekend.  On Sunday, George and Madge and Lola Faye went to Poplar Bluff, Mo. to visit Pat Williams, a brother-in-law of Georges, who is ill and in the hospital there.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gates of Independence, Mo. spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Katherine Dirks.  They called at the home of the George Davidsons Sat. and again on Monday.  They spent the day with Madge and had dinner with her.

Monday night, Pam Tune spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson.  She went to work at the shoe factory in Birch Tree.  Pam is George Davidson’s niece.  Aunt Mary Lee spent Thursday night and Friday with her sister, Mrs. Madge Davidson. -

Mr. and Mrs. Burl Lee went to Kansas City and picked up their son Jerry Lee and family at the airport there.  Jerry has been oveerseas for some time.

Johnny Davidson of Poplar Bluff and Floyd and Pauline Berlin and daughter of Wyoming visited Friday night with Geo. and Madge Davidson.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunter spent the weekend with her parents, George and Madge Davidson.  Walter Sweetin accompanied them.  They are from Rolla.

Dennis Tune and wife and baby of Kansas City spent Sat. night with his Uncle Geo. Davidson.

Those visiting Sunday with their father, John Denton, were Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Stark and Lynn, of Mtn. View, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ferril Denton and family, Little Rock, Ark.; Elmer Denton, Springfield, Mo.; and Thelma of Mtn. View.
Johnny Denton and family came to get two of their boys that have been visiting their grandpa, John Denton.  They returned home to Little Rock Sunday.

Billy Williams and son Raymond and Cecil Denton went to Lake Norfork Sunday fishing.  Not much luck, so, they came back home on account of the extremem heat down there.

Mountain View Standard August 16, 1973

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin from O'Kean, Ark. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul White, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Denton from Deleplane, Ark. and John and Leeman Denton all had dinner at the George Davidson home Saturday. -- Mountain View Standard August 16,  1973

Aunt Mary Lee was taken to the St. Francis Hospital one day last week - where she is reported to be quite ill.  Best wishes Mary.

Mountain View Standard September 20, 1973

Aunt Mary Lee is still improving and spent the past weekend with Katherine Dirks.

Word was received here of the death of Mrs. Shirley Denton of Strafford, Virginia, on the 28th of Aug.  Her funeral was held in Strafford.  She was the wife of Virgil Denton who passed away about the middle of Aug.  She died of a sudden heart attack.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunter and children and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davidson motored to Alton, Mo. and had dinner at the Country Kitchen Café, to celebrate Earl and Lola Faye’s 13th wedding anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davidson  visited with Aunt Rena Yarber and Maxine one evening last week.

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