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it's me, Darcie, again.

As you can see I am three now! ;)

Hehehe!  I am such a little smarty pants! I know how many fingers old I am. And I don't talk like the other little people that say "I'm free!" I can actually say three!  My Mommy and Daddy have taught me real well.  No one believes that I am really just three years old.

My Aunt Lainee calls this picture "Darcie in Repose"

Boy, oh, boy...........wouldn't my Mommy and Daddy have fits if they could hear my thoughts right now?!?!?!  I think that cameraman is cute.......think I will marry him when I grow up! ;P  Maybe Santa Claus will put him in my stocking at Christmas.

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The Wee Ones

Lainee's Stuff