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a lovely little fishing town on the southwest coast of Scotland.

The houses here date back to the days when fishing was the main source of food and money. The many colors you see in the picture
were so the fishermen could find their way home from a day at sea.
I found whilst working on this page that Kirkcudbright is a shire in its own right. That is to say a county or Stewartry.

The following is taken from the GEN UKI UK and Ireland geneology page:

"Commonly called a Stewartry, but in reality and to all intents and purposes a
sheriffdom or shire, lies in the south of Scotland, and forms the eastern and by far the
most extensive portion of the ancient district of Galloway. It is bounded by
Dumfries-shire on the east and north-east, on the south by the Solway Frith and the
Irish Sea, by the county of Ayr on the north and northwest, and by Wigtonshire (or
Western Galloway) on the west. In extent it measures, from south-east to north-west,
about forty four miles, by breadth varying from twenty to thirty miles, the narrowest part
being toward its north-western limits....
The aspect of the country, however, forms a very natural distinction into two divisons: if
a line be drawn from the centre of Kirkpatrick-Iron-Gray parish to the Gatehouse of
Fleet, all to the northwest, with little exception, is so mountainous, that it may be termed
a Highland district; while the south and eastern parts exhibt a fine champagne and
cultivated country - a contrast strikingly obvious...
The number of horses, cattle and sheep reared in the county is sufficiently large to
evince the possession of much practical knowledge, and consequent success, in this
branch of the productive economy; and the breed of swine has increased to a
prodigious extent, these animals being now a staple commodity both for home
consumption and exportation....
The shire, or stewartry, comprises twenty-eight parishes and contains two royal
burghs, Kirkcudbright and New Galloway...."

This next picture is taken from a post card of the lovely harbour in Kirkcudbright that was once the livelyhood of the town and stills plays a big role.

This picture is a view taken from Meta's house, where it overlooks the town of Kirkcudbright.

The house is called Zonnewende which is Dutch for "where the sun rises" and she can see the sunrise year round from this same window.

Check out these links for more about Kirkcudbright:

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