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1792 26 June.William Yarborough and    Leanus Andrews Leanus   Andrews daughter of Mark Andrews; married by James Shelburne,   baptist minister. Lunenburg Co, Va Marriage Records.

1798 14 June.  Mark Andrews and wife Winnifred of Lunenburg Co. to  William Yarbrough of Lunenburg Co., 6 acres on Tasekiah Creek below  said Yarbrough's mill.  Lunenburg Co., VA Deed Book 18, p. 45A

1798 10 Sep.  William Yarbrough and wife Leanna of Lunenburg Co. to  Hezekiah Filbert of Lunenburg Co., 7 acres and mill on Tasekiah Creek  bounded by Joel Johns land, purchased from Robert Hatchitt.  Wits: Joseph Yarbrough, Joel Johns, Charles Bryair, Edmund Lener.  Wife  signed deed "Leana Yarbrough."  Lunenburg Co., VA Deed Book 18, p.  62

1808 1 Oct.   Alexander Bennet and  Rebekah Yarbrough
 H. L. Fennel, bondsman. Williamson Co, TN Marriage Records.

1812 6 Mar.  Aaron Corhein  and  Elizabeth Ann Yarbrough. George Andrews, bondsman; Richard S. Yarbrough & John Dial,   witnesses. Williamson Co, TN Marriage Records.

1820 Williamson Co, TN census:
 William Yarbrough
  1 male 10-16
  1 male 16-18
  3 males 16-26
  1 male over 45
  1 female 10-16
  1 female over 45

1820 23 Dec. Will of Mark Andrews. Williamson County Tennessee Will   Book 3, p. 211       Signed:   23 Dec 1820

1822 17 Oct. Willoughby S. West and  Marcaney Yarbrough   George Andrews, bondsman; Richard S. Yarbrough & John Dial,   witnesses.  Williamson Co, TN Marriage Records

1830 Census, Williamson Co., TN:
 Leanna Yarborough
  2 males 20-30
  2 males 30-40
  1 female 20-30
  1 female 50-60

1840 Census, Williamson Co., TN
 William Yarborough
  1 male 40-50
  1 female 60-70
 *This is probably Leannah and her son, William.

1850 Mortality Schedule, Williamson Co., TN:
 Leanna Yarbrough, age 77, b. Virginia, d. June 1849 - dropsy

1850 Census, Williamson Co., TN:
 William Yarbrough  55  b. VA
 Mary W. Bennett  36  b. TN
 Marliena   30
 Nancy   28
 Rebecca   58

 Leannah died in 1849.  It appears that Rebecca (Yarborough) Bennett's  husband may have died and Rebecca and 3 of her daughters were   living with Rebecca's brother, William.

Marriage Records of Williamson Co., TN:
George Yarborough  Polly Manire  02 Jun 1817  Thomas G. Gentry, bondsman
 Who is this????

Back to Yarborough Generation 3

1758 4 Nov.Born:  Joseph, son of William & Dianner Yarbrough. Recorded in the Bristol Parish Vestry Book & Register.

1785 19 Dec. Marriage bond of Joseph Yarbrough and Temperance Walton, daughter of George Walton. Bondsman: Francis Watkins

1805 15 Apr. Marriage Bond of Joseph Yarbrough and Polly Ellington, daughter of John Ellington.  Bondsman: Forrest Farley.

1805 20 May. Marriage Bond of Walton Knight and Nancy Hughes Yarbrough, daughter of Joseph Yarbrough.  Bondsman: William Morton.

1828 8 Dec. In Lunenburg County Court 8th day of December 1828 the last Will & Testament of Joseph Yarbrough dec'd was present into Court, and there being no subscribing witnesses Wm. H. Taylor and James Smith were sworn and severally deposed, that they were acquainted with the hand writting [sic] of the testator and verily beleve [sic] the said writing and the Name thereto subscribed to be wholly written by the testators own hand, whereupon the said writing is ordered to be recorded as the true last will and testament of the said Jos. Yarbrough dec'd. and on the motion of Polly & John W. Yarbrough two of extrx. & exers. therein named who having made oath according to law, a certificate is granted them for obtaining probate of the said will in due form whereupon they entered into & acknowledged bond with approved security conditioned as the law requires reserving liberty to David Street the other exer. to join in probate when he shall think fit. Teste: Wm. H. Taylor  CLC.  Lunenburg Co. VA Will Book No. 9, p 345-46.

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____ bef. 1787. Marriage bond of William Harper and Martha Yarborough. Bondsman: Wm. Yarborough. Wit: M. Yarborough.

1789 1 Jan. Marriage bond of Elisabeth Yarbrogh and Peterson Person. Bondsman: Wm. Yarborough. Wit: M. D. Johnson.

1790 Warren Co, NC census
  pg. 79 William Yarbrough
   2 males over 16  3 females
   2 males under 16

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1803-Warren Co,NC  Executor of the will of Wm Yarborough was Wm. Connor

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1793 25 July. Will of Wm. Yarbrough.  (Codicil 3 Sept 1793)   Probated Nov 1793
 Minor children: William, Joel, Rebecca, and Huldah
 Son: Samuel
 Dau: Rhoda
 Grandson: Edmond Harper, Granddau: Nancy Persons.
 Exec: Friends- Joseph Jno Williams, Sterling Harwell, and brother in law, John Mitchell.
 Wit: Peter Randolph (Randall) , Jurat,  Samuel Morris, Jurat, and Peter Randall, Jr.
 Witnesses to Codicil: Gid Alston, John James (or Jones)
 Warren Co, NC Will Book 7 pg. 5

1795 27 Aug. Joel Yarbrough, about 15 yrs old. apprenticed to Edward Newell. Warren Co, NC Will Book 8 pg. 117.

1800 ___Feb. Account sale of estate of Wm. Yarbrough deceased. Names Joel, James and William Yarbrough.  Warren Co, NC Will book 10 pg. 232.

1803 12 June. Marriage of Joel Yarbrough and Sally Sledge. Bondsman:Wyatt Williams. Wit: M. D. Johnson.

1810 Warren Co, NC census
  Joel Yarbrough
1812 ___Aug.  List of Taxable Property  for 1812
  Shocco Dist.: Joel Yarbrough. Warren Co, NC Will Book 17 pg. 106

1814 List of Taxable Property for 1814
  Fishing Creek Dist: Joel Yarbrough
  Warrenton Dist.: Henry Yarbrough. Warren Co, NC Will Book 17 pg. 106

1820 Warren Co, NC census index
  pg. 16 Joel Yarborough s/o William Y. and Hannah Mitchell

1830 Warren Co, NC census
  pg. 600
  Joel Yarbrough

1835 24 Dec. Marriage of Wade L. Yarbrough and Martha J. Turner. Bondsman: William P. Sledge. Wit: E. D. Drake.

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1848 15 Jan. Marriage bond of John W. Yarbro and Louisa C. Bumpass. Bondsman: Joshua Cozart. (brother in law of John W. Y.)

1850 Clinton Co., MO:
Yourough,  John  21 b. NC
Louisa  18 b. NC  (Bumpass)
D (Deana)   1 b. NC  (female)
Clark,   Simon  31 b. KY  Farmer
             Susan    8 b. KY
             Emily      6 b. KY

Who is this Clark -- he appears to be a widower with two young children.  Could he be kin - maybe John's brother in law?

1853 2 Sep.  John Bumpass of Person Co., NC , in consideration of natural love and affection which I have for John W. Yarbrough and beloved daughter Louisa C. Yarbrough his wife of Clinton Co., Missouri ...negro woman called Jane about nineteen years of age and all her increase.  Person Co., NC Record Book R, p. 313.

1860  Person Co, NC census
 p. 941-Allensville P.O.
Bumpaps, Nancy  66 f
Yarbro, Louisa  28 f
Bumpas, Francis  27 m
Yarbro, Dianadena  11 f
Bumpaps, John  10 m
Yarbro, Monroe  03 m

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