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Lainee's Lineage


5. Mary Kathrene Rebecca Fisher

Church of Christ ladies auxillary

Social Security application is in the possession of Janet Elaine Denton. It has her birthdate and informatin about her parents on it as well as her place of birth.

6. Paul Lester Duvall

place of birth is unsure, no birth certificate is available.

7. Thelma Holden Price

Paul Duval went with an old army buddy to meet his girlfriend, Thelma. Paul was so taken with Thelma that he eventually wooed her away from his friend. Thelma's mother didn't like Paul Duval so she shipped Thelma off to Middleton to nursing school. Paul followed and teh best guess is they eloped. Thelma's mother came to visit and was looking through the kitchen cupboards, and said "well, Thelma, you won't starve." Paul said, "No, I like my food too much!"