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Lainee's Lineage


576. Samuel Yarborough

Notes for SAMUEL YARBOROUGH: 1746 5 June. Samuel, William, Hezekiah and Moses Yarbrough, 1372 acres in Amelia Co, both sides of Little Nottoway River and Mallory's Creek, beginning in their father's line on south side of Mallory's Creek; along his line west 25 poles to his corner in a branch; south 117 poles to Henry Yarbrough's corner; Beasley's corner; Neville's line; Edward Robinson's corner and line; Presley's line. Amelia co, VA Patent Book 25 pg. 54-56.

1748 19 Jul. Will of William Yarborough Proved 16 Dec 1748 Names wife: Elliner; sons: Samuel, William, Hezekiah, Moses and Micajah; Daus: Priscilla, Ann Higgons, Caryhapauch Anderson; Granddaughter: Priscilla Robertson. Wits: Charles Irby and Richard Yarborough. Exrs: wife Elliner Yarborough and sons William and Hezekiah. Amelia Co, Va Will Book 1 pg. 50

1749 21 Apr. Additional Inventory and Appraisement of William Yarbrough. Returned July 21, 1949. Appraisers: Benjamin Bullington, John Smith, John Nance. Administrator Samuel Yarbrough. Value £65.13.10. Amelia Co. VA Will Book 1, p. 58.

1749 21 Apr. Bonds: £100. Samuel Yarbrough, Administrator for William Yarbrough, deceased, with Mathew Cabanis, security. Dated 21 Apr. 1749. Amelia Co., VA Will Book 1, p. 31.

1752 June Court. Samuel and Hezekiah Yarbrough presented and acknowledged their deed with livery and seizen endorsed to John Folks. Sarah, wife of Samuel, relinquished her right of Dower. Amelia Co, VA Court Order Book 3 1751-55 pg. 53

1753 22 Nov. Inventory of James Foster, deceased. Samuel Yarbrough one of the appraisers. Amelia Co, VA Will Book 1 pg. 102

1754 23 May. Indenture. Moses Yarbrough and Gabriel Fowlkes of Amelia Co, VA to John Fowlkes of Hanover Co, VA, for 210 pounds, 800 acres on Nottoway River, being part of a patent granted to Samuel, William, Hezekiah and Moses Yarbrough on 5 June 1745. Wit: Crispin Shelton, Richard Holsher, ___Booker, Edmund Thwaitt(?) Amelia Co, VA Deed Book 5 pg. 154.

1756 3 Mar. Samuel Yarbrough and Sarah his wife, to Moses Yarbrough, being part of 400 acres granted to Wm. Yarbrough, deceased, on 10 June 1740. Wit: Henry Yarbrough, Thomas Yarbrough. Amelia Co, VA Deed Book 5 pg. 433.

1762 23 Sept. Samuel Yarbrough and Sarah, his wife, to William George, 378 acres south side south fork of Little Nottoway River, beginning Dyers, now Rains corner, west to James Hudsons, Thomas Ellis, Bumpass corner, it being a tract of land originally granted to William Yarbrough 10 Sept. 1755. Amelia Co, VA Deed Book 8 pg. 689.

1769 5 Nov. Will of Samuel Yarbrough. Probated Apr. 1770 Wife- Sarah Sons- William: " land in Amelia Co, Va whereon his grandfather lived lying between Cold and Nottoway....likewise land on Tarr River; Samuel and John Yarbrough (both under 21) Daughters: Elizabeth, Sarah, and Lewcey ( all under 18) Executor: Wife, William Yarbrough and John Bumpass. Wit: Abraham Womack, Jr., Isaac Johnston, James Evans. Orange Co, NC Will Book A pg. 107

584. John Sledge


John s of Charles *-42-2
1698-18Dec1750 m 1720 Mary Rebeccah Ivey 1700-1752 ch
Daniel, Rebeccah, Anne, Charles, John, Amos chart #8. John
Sledge, the only known son of Charles Sledge, is credited
with establishing the Sledge surname in America. All the
descendants of that name go back to one of his Four sons,
Charles, John, Daniel and Amos. John Sledge married Rebecca
Ivy, sister of Thomas Ivy, who married Johns sister, Rebecca
Sledge. Of his four sons, three of their wills are
included. Charles, his oldest son has no known will, but
his children are listed in the Albemarle Parish Record, with
a few exceptions. Each one of his Four sons had large
families with many sons. The descendants of Charles
migrated to Tennessee, then Arkansas, with many unaccounted
for. Daniel died in Warren Co. N.C. and his descendants
stayed there, with a few to Mississippi, Tennessee and
Texas. Amos' descendants also went to N.C. and scattered,
some also going to Texas. John Sledge died in Georgia, and
his children scattered across the Southern States from
Florida to Texas. John Sledge died in 1750 (will dated
December 27, 1749 and probated December 18, 1750 - Surry Co.
VA Book 9, p.674). Mary Rebecca died in 1752 (will also
recorded in book 9, p. ). A smokehouse erected ca.1700
was moved in 1928 and was still standing at Chester
Plantation in Sussex Co. VA until 1973. Portions of the
original house erected ca. 1700 (which was later destroyed
by fire) were seen there for some forty years but nothing
remains today. The land was sold in 1786 to Captain William
Harrison, and a new house was built in 1793. It's present
owner is Gary M. Williams, Clerk of Court, Sussex Co. VA, a
descendant of the Harrisons, who were his maternal
ancestors. It is his belief that John Sledge(1) was the
first to live on this land as this territory beyond the
Blackwater River was not open to settlement until after
1700. (Became Sussex Co. in 1753.) (Excerpt, Larry Dale
Sledge Book).

Will of JOHN SLEDGE, 1750 On file in Surry Co., VA Will book 9, page 674.

In the name of God, Amen: I John Sledge of the Parish of Albemarle in the County of Surry, being somewhat sick in body but sound perfect disposing mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory life, and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner, following: First of all, I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merits of my only Saviour Jesus Christ to have full remission of all my sins and to inherit eternal life and as to my body I commend to the earth from whence it came to be decently interr'd at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named and as for my temporal estate where with it had pleased God he blessed me with I give and dispose of in manner following (Viz)

Item: I devise to my eldest son Charles Sledge & his heirs forever one tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres being the Plantation he now lives on and one Negro boy Peter & one pewter dish.

Item: I devise to my son Daniel Sledge & his heirs forever part of a tract of land containing two hundred acres lying in the county of Brunswick and one pewter dish & one Negro boy named Tom.

Item: I devise to my son Amos Sledge & his heirs forever part of the same tract of land before mentioned containing one hundred & seventy one acres lying in the County of Brunswick.

Item: I devise to my son Amos one feather bed, furniture & one pewter dish, one iron pot & a cow & calf.

Item: I devise to my daughter Ann Griffis five pound credit in a store & one pewter dish.

Item: I devise to my daughter Sarah Sledge one feather bed & furniture & a cow & calf and one pewter dish.

Item: I devise to my loving wife Rebecca Sledge during her natural life or widowhood one Negro woman Cloe & then she & her increase to be divided between by two youngest sons John Sledge and Amos Sledge to them and their heirs forever.

Item: I devise to my loving wife Rebecca Sledge one horse & side saddle, a bridle, one feather bed & furniture, a chest the biggest, one iron pot, to her own disposal amongst my children.

Item: I devise to my son Sledge one feather bed & furniture, one iron pot and one pewter dish and a cow and calf.

Item: I devise to my loving wife Rebecca Sledge during her natural life or widowed two hundred acres of land being the land I now live upon and at her decease I give it to my son John Sledge & his heirs forever.

Item: I devise that all the residue & remainder of my personal estate I give to be equally divided between Charles Sledge and Daniel Sledge, Sarah Sledge, John Sledge & Amos Sledge after my wife's decease & I leave my wife whole executor of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills by me and affixed Seal this 27th day of December, 1749.
Sign'd published & declared in presence of us, Hugh Ivey, Thomas Ivey
John Sledge (L.S.)
My whole will and desire that my estate may not come to an appraisement.

__________________________________________________________________________ _________

At a Court held for Surrey County the 18th day of December 1750.

The within & after written Last Will and Testament of John Sledge deceased, was presented in Court by Rebecca Sledge, widow and lelict of the said John & Executrix therein named who made oath thereto according to law and the same was proved by the oaths of Hugh Ivey & Thomas Ivey two of the witnessed thereto and by the Court ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the said Executrix certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof in due from.

Teste: A Claiborne, Clk

Teste: V. E. Savedge, Clk Copy

__________________________________________________________________________ _________

585. Mary Rebeccah Ivey

John s of Charles *-42-2
1698-18Dec1750 m 1720 Mary Rebeccah Ivey 1700-1752 ch
Daniel, Rebeccah, Anne, Charles, John, Amos chart #8. John
Sledge, the only known son of Charles Sledge, is credited
with establishing the Sledge surname in America. All the
descendants of that name go back to one ofhis Four sons,
Charles, John, Daniel and Amos. John Sledge married Rebecca
Ivy, sister of Thomas Ivy, who married Johns sister, Rebecca
Sledge. Of his four sons, three of their wills are
included. Charles, his oldest son has no known will, but
his children are listed in the Albemarle Parish Record, with
afew exceptions. Each one of his Four sons had large
families with many sons.The descendants of Charles
migrated to Tennessee, then Arkansas, with many unaccounted
for. Daniel died in Warren Co. N.C. and his descendants
stayed there, with a few to Mississippi, Tennessee and
Texas. Amos' descendants also went to N.C. and scattered,
some also going to Texas. John Sledge died in Georgia, and
his children scattered across the Southern States from
Florida to Texas. John Sledge died in 1750 (will dated
December 27, 1749 and probated December 18, 1750 - Surry Co.
VA Book 9, p.674). Mary Rebecca died in 1752 (will also
recorded in book 9, p. ). A smokehouse erected ca.1700
was moved in 1928 and was still standing at Chester
Plantation in Sussex Co. VA until 1973.Portions of the
original house erected ca. 1700 (which was later destroyed
by fire) were seen there for some forty years but nothing
remains today. The land was sold in 1786 to Captain William
Harrison, and a new house was built in1793. It's present
owner is Gary M. Williams, Clerk of Court, Sussex Co. VA,a
descendant of the Harrisons, who were his maternal
ancestors. It is his belief that John Sledge(1) was the
first to live on this land as this territorybeyond the
Blackwater River was not open to settlement until after
1700. (Became Sussex Co. in 1753.) (Excerpt, Larry Dale
Sledge Book).

Will on file in Surrey Co. VA - Will Book 9, page 694.
The Wills and Admons of Surrey County, Virginia 1671-1750, by Eliza Timberlake Davis, DAR Library.

Makes small bequests to son, John Sledge, daughter Rebecca Ivey, granddaughter, Judith Ellison, when the latter is 21 years old. Give daughter, Martha Hayes, all the rest of the estate, makes son-in-law, Peter Heyes, Exer. Made: Jan. 8, 1726/27. Prob. 17 July 1728. Edward Prince, Eliza Prince, Thomas Hayes. Bk. 7, p. 826.

588. Francis Person

Notes for Francis Person:
In his father's will he received slaves, household goods, stock, and "ye plantation in Isle of Wight County whereupon my mother (grandmother of Francis) now lives with the land there unto belonging." He also purchased land in Bute County, North Carolina (then Granville). He also owned land in Surry County, Virginia. His widow's will was proved in Granville County, NC. The inventory and appraisement of his will occurred 18 Feb 1758, and his widow moved to
Granville where she died testate in 1761.

589. Mary Turner

Notes for Mary Turner:
Other Turner family members, closely related to Simon Turner, married into the Person family. Though Simon Turner is not shown to have a daughter Mary in some published reports, his wife's name was Mary, and it is very likely that they would have a daughter of that name. Simon Turner had likely already provided for daughter Mary, and did not list her in his will.

See 'West from the Isle Wight" by Mary Persons Port, p 6. She says, "Francis married Mary; it is believed that she was the daughter of Simon Turner, who lived to be a very old man. When he died, his will dated July 7, 1761 and probated December 10, 1762, named his Granddaughter Lucy Persons, who would seem to be the daughter of Francis and Mary Persons. (Southampton County, Va. Will Book I)." It goes on with some further discussion of the knowledge of Francis and Mary's children as evidenced by the the Will of Mary Persons and the Will of Samuel Persons, brother of Francis. Both mention Lucy Persons.

See "Persons Lineage" by George Fuller Walker, ch 4 entitled "Francis Person(s)". On p 22 he says, "Francis Person was survived by his widow, Mary (Turner?) Person..." In a footnote about Mary (Turner?) Person he says, "It is possible that she was a daughter of Simon Turner, whose will, dated July 7, 1761, was proved December 10, 1762. (Southampton County, Virginia, Will Book 1, pp. 410-414.) She was not a devisee of the will, but probably was deceased at the time the will was made. However, her daughter, Lucy Person, was a devisee. ..."

936. Johan Peter Bender

Came to American on ship Osgood from Rotterdam, Holland - last from Cowes, England. Landed Philadelphia. 29 Sep 1750 under the command of Captian William Wilke.

There is a possible second marriage to ahterina Brand, bor abt 1703 in Germany. This is not documented as yet.