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Lainee's Lineage


1152. William Yarborough

Notes and information from Elaine Denton through resources of the Yarborough family and various internet boards about the Yarber, Yarbor, Yarborough family lines.

1721 William and Ellinor Yarbrough sell to Martin Chandler. 21 Feb 1722. King William Co., VA Land records, Book 2, p. 89

1722 21 Feb. Court. William Yarbrough acknowledges the foregoing deed and memorandum of livery & sison unto Martin Chandler & James Cox by virtue of a power of attorney relinquished Eleanor Yarbrough wife to the said William Yarbrough her right of dower in the land conveyed by the said deed unto the said Chandler, all which are admitted to record. Signed William Aylett, Clerk of the Court. King William County, Virginia Deed Book 2, 1721-22-, page 90.

1723 20 Feb. Edward Yarbrough and William Yarbrough granted 400 acres of new land in King William County [Virginia] St. John's Parish on the west side of Long Branch on Robert Baber & William Cockerham's lines. King William Co., VA Patent Book 11, p. 330.

1724 9 Jul. William Yarbrough, granted 400 acres of new land in King William County in St. John's Parish on branches of Reedy Swamp of Mattapony River and North Anna River, adjoining Robert Baber, his own land, Edward and William Yarbrough, Thomas Yarbrough, Thomas Evans and Mr. English. King William Co., VA Patent Book 12, p. 56.

1748 13 May. Estate Inventory and appraisement of William Yarbrough, dated May 13, 1748, recorded April 21, 1749. Appraisers: Philip Pledger, Crispin Shelton, John Nance. Executrix: Elener (X) Yarbrough and Hezekiah Yarbrough. Value £118.13.0. Amelia Co. VA Will Book 1, p. 51.

1748 19 Jul. Will of William Yarborough Proved 16 Dec 1748 Names wife: Elliner; sons: Samuel, William, Hezekiah, Moses and Micajah; Daus: Priscilla, Ann Higgons, Caryhapauch Anderson; Granddaughter: Priscilla Robertson. Wits: Charles Irby and Richard Yarborough. Exrs: wife Elliner Yarborough and sons William and Hezekiah. Amelia Co, Va Will Book 1 pg. 50

1748 22 Dec. Bonds: £150. Elenor Yarbrough, William Yarbrough and Hezekiah Yarbrough, Executors for William Yarbrough, deceased. Dated 22 Dec 1748. Amelia County, VA Will Book 1, p. 48.

1748 31 Dec. Thomas Anderson, Ellinor, William and Hezekiah Yarbrough provided an inventory of the estate of William Yarborough, Sr.

1749 21 Apr. Additional Inventory and Appraisement of William Yarbrough. Returned July 21, 1949. Appraisers: Benjamin Bullington, John Smith, John Nance. Administrator Samuel Yarbrough. Value £65.13.10. Amelia Co. VA Will Book 1, p. 58.

1749 21 Apr. Bonds: £100. Samuel Yarbrough, Administrator for William Yarbrough, deceased, with Mathew Cabanis, security. Dated 21 Apr. 1749. Amelia Co., VA Will Book 1, p. 31.

1749 19 May Inventory of Christopher Robertson, deceased. Ellinor Robertson, relic. (*Note: Ws this Ellinor the d/o William Yarbrough. Ellinor died by 26 Apr 1750, date of her inventory, and her admr. was Edward Robertson. Amelia Co, VA Will Book 1 pg. 53.

1754 4 Mar. Will of Hezekiah Yarborough. Proven 27 June 1754 Names sister: Priscilla Yarborough, leaves brother Moses Yarborough tract "I now live on" and his right to a tract of land lying on the fork of the Nottoway. Exr. Moses Yarborough, brother. Wits: John Smith, Henry Yarbrough, Richard Holt. Amelia Co, VA Will Book 1 pg. 107

1754 23 May. Indenture between Moses Yarbrough and Gabriel Fowlkes of Amelia Co, VA and John Fowlkes of Hanover Co, VA...800 acres on Nottoway river..part of a patent granted to Samuel, William, Hezekiah and Moses Yarborough 5 June 1746. Amelia Co, VA Deed Book 5 pg. 154.

1754 27 June. Will of Hezekiah Yarborough presented in court by Moses Yarborough, executor therein.....Amelia Co, VA Order Book 3 pg. 179

1755 Feb. Court. William Torborn vs. Moses Yarbrough, Exr. of Hezekiah Yarbrough, decd. Amelia Co, VA Order Book 3 pg. 214

1755 June Court. William Tarborn vs. Moses Yarbrough, Exr. Hezekiah Yarbrough, dec'd. Amelia Co, VA Order Book 3, pg. 241.

1756 3 Mar. Will of Moses Yarborough. Proven 22 Apr. 1756. "Very sick and weak" leaves sister Priscilla Yarbrough all his lands and estate. Names sister Priscilla executrix. Wits: Thomas Yarbrough, Richard Stone, and Henry Yarbrough. Amelia Co, VA Will Book 1 pg. 119.

1169. Mary Clark

ID: I1414
Sex: F
Birth: 1640 in England
Death: 1728 in Abemarle, Surry County, Virginia

Will of Mary Sledge was verified on 8-18-98 from the Wills & Deeds Book Part 3 1715-30 Pages 675-1024 Surry County, Virginia by Ronald Earl
Sledge and Christine L. (Johnson) Sledge.

Will of Mary Sledge, page 826

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN: I Mary Sledge of Surry County, VA, being in good health of body & of sound & perfect mind & memory praise be
therefore given to Almighty God, do make an ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner & form following. That is to say First & principally
I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, hoping through the merits, death, & passion of my Savior Jesus Christ to have full and free
pardon and the discretion of my Executor hereafter named, and as touching the disposition of all such temporal estate which it hath pleased
Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as follows:
Impis: I will that all my debts and funeral charges be paid and discharged.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Ivie one breeding yew.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son John Sledge one breeding yew.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Judith Ellison two pewter dishes to be delivered to her when she attains the age of twenty one or
All the rest and residue of my estate, goods, and chattels whatsoever I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Martha Hay and her heirs. And I do
appoint my son-in-law Peter Hay and sole Executx of this my Last Will and Testament desiring my estate may not be appraised. And I do hereby
revoke, disnull and make void all former wills and testaments by me here fore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
eighth day of January in the year of our Lord 1726-7.

Mary...Sledge, Sealed with black wax
her mark

Signed and sealed in presence of
Edward Prince
Eliz Prince
Tho. Hay

At a court held at Southwark for the County of Surry, July the 17th 1728.

The within mentioned Will of Mary Sledge, deceased was presented in Court by Peter Hay Executor thereof who made oath thereto (and gave
bond with security according to the law) and being proved by the oaths of Edward Prince and Thomas Hay witnesses thereto the same is ordered
to be recorded and is recorded by:

Jo Allin, Cl. Cur.
Teste: V. E. Savedge, Clerk

1170. Hugh Ivey

Will of Hugh Ivey (Will Book E, page 179, Sussex Co.VA.)

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Hugh Ivey of the County of Sussex & parish of
albemarle Being in a proper state of health of Body & Sound Disposing
mind & memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same Do make & ordain
this writting to be my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following.
IMPRIMIS I give & Bequeath unto my son Dan'l. Ivy one Hundred & fifty
Acres of Land whereon he now Dwells be the same more or less to him &
his Heirs forever. Also a Negro Man Nam'd. Harry to him & his heirs
ITEM I give & Bequeath unto my son Jesse Ivey one Hundred & fifty Acres
of land lying on the South Side Ivy's Meadow Bounded by Bairds Line up
to Clarks old road along the said road to John Masons Line be the same
more or less to him & his Heirs forever. Also one Negro Woman named
Mary and her child named Josepth & her Increase one Cow & Calf a large
Iron pot & one small Chest to him & his Heirs forever.
ITEM I give & Bequeath unto my son Rich'd. Ivey after the Death or
marriage of my wife Eliz'a. Ivey two Hundred & fifty five Acres of land
whereon I now Dwell be the same more or less I also give unto my s'd.
son Rich'd. Ivey one Negro Woman named Murriah & her Increase one
Feather Bead & furniture two puter Dishes & three puter plates one Cow
& Calf two Ew's & lambs one Sow & pigs two Iron wedges one copper
kittle one Iron Pot rack & on Large Chest one pair of Fire Tongs to him
& his heirs forever.
ITEM I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Martha Jarratt one Negro Woman
named Nell & her Increase from this Date to her & her Heirs forever.
ITEM I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Johnson one Negro
Woman called Young Hanner the Daughter of Hanner & all her increase one
Negro named David one Do Roger one Ditto named Jemmey one Negro Girl
named Winney one Ditto Boy named Moses & her Increase & one Negro Girl
named Hanner who is Daughter of Nell & her Increase to her & her Heirs
ITEM I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Rebeccah Collier one Negro Girl
named Amy & one Ditto named Ellick their Increase to her & her Heirs
ITEM I lend unto my loving Wife Elizabeth Ivey During her natural life
or widowhood the use of Seven Negroes Viz. David Old Hannah Jenny John
Fanny Mime Jeams also my land & plantation whereon I now live. Also I
give the use of all the rest of my Estate not before mentioned unto my
s'd. Loving Wife During her natural life or widowhood.
ALSO my will & Desire is after the Death or marriage of my Wife is that
my son Daniel Ivey may have two Negroes to wit Jenny & Fanny to him &
his Heirs for Ever.
ALSO my will & Desire is that my son Jesse Ivey may have one Feather
Bed & furniture & one Iron pot rack after the Death or marriage of my
Wife to him & his Heirs forever.
ALSO that my son Rich'd. Ivey may have six Negroes to wit Hannah David
John Murriah Mime Jeam & their Increase after the Death or marriage of
my s'd. Wife also the Carpenters Tools to him & his heirs forever.
ITEM I give & Bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Elizabeth Collier one
Feather Bed & furniture one side Saddle one Box after the Death of my
s'd. Wife to her & her Heirs froever.
ALSO my Desire is that my son Rich'd. Ivey may have my Gunn & one small
Iron Pot also my Desire is that all my Working Tools be equally Divided
Between my three sons Daniel Jesse & Rich'd. Ivey.
ALSO my Desire is after the Death or marriage of my Wife that all the
rest of my Estate not before given away Be sold & the money Arising
from such sale be Equally Divided Amongst all my children vizt. Daniel
Jesse Rich'd.Ivey Martha Jarratt Eliz'a. Johnson & Rebecca Collier.
LASTLY I do hereby nominate & appoint two sons Daniel & Richard Ivey
Hole & Sole Executors to this my last Will & Testament In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and affixed my seal this Twenty
Fourth Day of March Anno Dom One Thousand Seven Hundred And Ninety Two.
Hugh Ivey (Seal)

Signed Sealed
In the Presence of}
Robert Watson
Elizabeth Watson
William Edwards

At a Court held for Sussex County the 4th day of April 1793. The within
last Will and Testament of Hugh Ivey dec'd. was Exhibited into Court
by Daniel Ivey one of the Exors. therein named the same was proved by
the oaths of Robert Watson & William Edwards two of the witnesses
thereto and by the Court ordered to be Recorded & on motion of said
Exor. who made oath & gave Bond Certificate is Granted him for
obtaining a probate in due form.
Teste M.Bailey CSC


File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Russell L. Lawrence

1176. John Person Jr.

This information graciously contributed by Joe George:
You can return to the main table of contents for this Person family document by going
to the books section of the Ark. USGW archives. You can also get a full copy of the
document by contacting Joe.

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This work on the Person family is a genealogy based solely on the branch of
descendents of John Person (circa 1630-1707) who came from England to the Virginia
colony as early as 1648.

A relative who did research on the Person family in England states that an adequate
study of this family would require an entire volume, but it may be mentioned that its
members flourished in Somerset and later removed to the adjoining County of

During the Colonial Period, the status or profession of an individual was designated
immediately following his name in a legal document.

The only profession found for John Person was 'gentleman' and 'planter.' The word
'gentleman' in document of that period was not a term of politeness but indicated
instead that the individual belonged to an Armorial family.

The Person coat-of-arms was granted by Queen Elizabeth shortly after the defeat of the
Spanish Armada and is that of the Gloucestershire family. It is recorded at the College
of Arms and is described as follows:

Arms: Argent two Chevrons sable on a canton of the second an eagle displayed of the

Crest: Out of a ducal Coronet or an Ostrich's head and neck sable between two feathers

John Person of England settled in the Isle of Wight County, Virginia, about 1648 and
in the year of 1658 married Francis Cooke b 1640. John Person, Jr. was born in 1660
which was the beginning of the family in the New Country.

The Person family is one of long standing and usefulness in the development of
North Carolina as well as her sister state, Virginia. Probably no other family can boast
of a more royal service to their state and country. They have willingly given their all
in the betterment of their country on down through the ages as their records, names
and deed lie carved in the annals of history.

The career of General Thomas Person (circa 1733-1800) of North Carolina was one of
such prominence, variety and length that only the briefest summary will be

The Colonial and State Records of Sorth Carolina alone, for example, contain more
than 1,300 references to him and almost any history of North Carolina containing
much detail about the eighteenth century tells something of General Thomas Person.
He donated $50,000 to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill at which Person
Hall, an art department, was named for him and also Person County was formed in

Two streets bear his name. One is in Raleigh, North Carolina and one is in
Fayetteville, North Carolina.

The Person County Memorial Hospital is in Roxboro, North Carolina.

Near Capron in Southampton County in Virginia there is a small church building
(Methodist) and a cemetery named for the Person family.

The book called Person's Lineage by George Fuller Walker contains 3700 different
names and all are descendents of John and Francis Cooke Person. Numbers of other
Person descendants are not mentioned in the book

The following article was taken from a newspaper account of a Person family reunion
held in Garysburg, North Carolina in 1936:

"An interesting event of late was the birthday party and joint reunion of the Person
family held in the home of Mrs. Mollie Person Moore at Garysburg, North Carolina
last Friday.

Mrs. Moore celebrated her ninety-first birthday by keeping open house and receiving
her friends and relatives. Despite her advanced age, she is still alert and has a keen
sense of humor as well as a bright mind and cheerful spirit.

She presided with her usual grace and charm of manner and everyone calling could
readily feel descended upon them the old charm and courtliness of an anti-bellum
lady emphasizing the gracious hospitality of a once proud southern house as only a
woman of her cloth could portray. In her room on a flower-banked table was a huge
birthday cake bearing her initials and bedecked with ninety one candles.

The Person from which Mrs. Moore is descended is one of long standing and
usefulness in the development of North Carolina as well as her sister state. Virginia.

She was born on July 31, 1845 on the old Person plantation in Northhampton County,
North Carolina the daughter of the late Dr. Benjamin and Mrs. Sarah P. Person. She
later moved to Garysburg, North Carolina where her father was a practicing physician.
She attended the old Female Seminary in Murfreesboro, North Carolina and later, the
Davis School of Music and Culture in Petersburg, Virginia.

She married on October 12, l864 the Hon, James W. Blount, a member of an old and
prominent Virginia family. He died at Petersburg just before the close of the War
between the States, bravely defending his country and its cause, his young bride
awaited his untimely return. She married secondly Captain W. W. Moore on January
17, 1884. He died many years ago and since that time she has resided in Garysburg,
North Carolina at the old home of her uncle's, the late General Thomas J. Person,
prominent Attorney and State Senator.

This old home was once one of the show places of Northampton County, North
Carolina boasting of one of the most beautiful gardens in the state. It is interesting to
hear Mrs. Moore relate her stories of how carriages would drive down from Raleigh,
Richmond, and even Washington city to see the beautiful gardens and carry back with
them baskets of rare black and green roses. Much entertaining was done here before
the War between the States and during the war, breastworks were thrown up around
the house for its protection.

It was here that General Matt. W. Ranson, noted warrior of Confederate fame, and at
his death the largest landowner in the state of North Carolina, lavishly entertained
celebrities while Ambassador to Mexico.

Now, like everything else of the past there looms instead of a once well kept mansion
house, just an old home bravely trying to defend itself against the ravages of time and

Mrs. Moore is the granddaughter of the Hen. John Randolph and Rebecca Peebles
Person, great granddaughter of General William and Martha Eaton Person of
Granville, North Carolina, great great granddaughter of General William Person who
served in the French and Indian War and great great great great granddaughter of Hen.
John Person who settled in the Isle of Wight County, Virginia in 1639. Hon. John
Person who settled on the Meherrin river in Southampton County, Virginia was a
brother of General William Person of the French and Indian War fame.

She is the great great niece of Mary Ann Person who married Major Little. The town
of Littleton, North Carolina was named in honor of their son, William Person Little,
who was the favorite and principal heir of his uncle General Thomas Person of
Goshen who served in the Revolutionary War and for whom the Person County of
North Carolina was named. The county was formed in 1791.

She is also a cousin of the late Judge Willie Person Mangum of Orange, North
Carolina who ran against Martin Van Buren in 1836 for President of the United States
and was defeated.

Probably no other family in North Carolina can boast of a more royal service to their
state and country than the Person Family. They have willingly given their all in the
betterment of their country on down through the ages as their records, names and
deed lie carved in the annals of history."

Judge Willie Person Mangum who ran for President in 1836 was a States righter
because the eleven electoral votes he got all came from South Carolina. At that time
South Carolina was threatening to secede from the Union because of the imposition of
high tariffs. The American Pagent, A History of the Republic by Thomas A. Bailey
(1961) shows Martin Van Buren, a Democrat, winning with 762,678 popular votes and
170 electoral votes while William H. Harrison, a Whig, had only 73 electoral votes.
Hugh L.White, a Whig, had only 26 electorial votes. Daniel Webster, a Whig, had only
14 votes and Willie P. Mangum, a Whig, had only 11 electorial votes. All of Whig
candidates added together in popular votes amouted to 736,656 against Van Buren's


Truman Streckfus Person was born September 30, 1924 in New Orleans. He was the
son of Agustus and Lillie Faulk Person. His parents separated after eight years of
marriage. Lillie married Joseph Garcia Capote of New York and Truman was adopted
by his stepfather and assumed the name Truman Capote. He is the author of several
novels, one in particular is "In Cold Blood." In 1948 he won the 0. Henry Memorial
Award for the best short story of the year.

II JOHN PERSON, JR. (circa 1660-1738) lived in the Isle of Wight County, Virginia.
He was the son of John and Francis (Cooke) Person. His grandparents Cooke gave
him a tract of land on Blackwater river. He also owned land near the Meherrin river.
English records show his ancestors were members of the Church of England, yet the
Quaker records give the following record of his marriage in 1692 to Mary Partridge (b
1670 d 1721) of Surry County. His second wife was Sarah.
He had issue:
1 John Person III 1693
2 Thomas Person 1695
3 Francis Person 1697
4 Joseph Person
5 William Person 1700
6 Benjamin Person 1702
7 Samuel Person 1704
8 Jacob Person
9 Mary Person
10 Elizabeth Person

3. John7 Person (Richard6 , Richard5 , John4 , John3 , Richard2 , William1 ) was born Abt. 1630 in Somerset, England, and died Aft. 02 Oct 1707 in Isle of Wight Co., VA. He married Frances Cooke Abt. 1658 in Isle of Wight Co., VA, daughter of William Cooke and Mary Miles. She was born Abt. 1635 in Bristol, Gloucester, England, and died Abt. 1721 in Isle of Wight Co., VA.

Notes for John Person:
Or John Parson or John Parsons.

"John is listed as coming to Jamestown, Virginia, in 1648 on the Transport at age 18. There is an entry tying John to Richard: "John Perce, sonne of Richard Perce of Somersetshire, England. Said to own land in Virginia Colony near to land owned by Captain John Ratliff, the first Governor." John was the neighbor of William Cooke (1615-1679)."

A number of Parson, Parsons and Person folks were immigrants to Virginia between 1637 and 1653. Others went to Maryland. This John Person may be the one that landed at Nansemond County, which adjoins Isle of Wight Co., VA. Had he arrived prior to 1642, it would have been upper Norfolk County.

"He settled on Blackwater River in Isle of Wight County, which was near the plantation of his future father-in-law, William Cooke. Cook(e) was a well known name and there are many references to them. Sir William Cooke is listed in " several journals.

Thanks to Mr. George Fields Whatley of Pensacola, FL for the book "Whatley, Person ..." (where's that title page!) published by Genealogy Publishing Service.

His name is often reported as John Parson or John Parsons. He was designated as overseer of the execution of the will of Captain Francis England of Blackwater in Isle of Wight on 13 May 1677.

His will: "I give and bequeath my while Estate Real and personall to be Equally Divided between my Loving wife Frances and my only Son John to you and their heirs forever." John Parson. Note : all names spelled Parson in the will.

George Fuller Walker, "Person(s) Lineage", c 1951 indicates that John Person may have come to Virginia as a headright for Nicholas Dixson. Patent Book 2, p. 166 tells of Dixson receiving land for 6 people, including John Person, on 20 Nov 1648. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, 1623-1666, Geneological Publishing Company, Inc., 1963)

In March of 1667, following Bacon's Rebellion, John Person joined with m any neighbors in Isle of Wight County to sign a petition supporting the King but also calling attention to their grievances. In 1704 his name appears on the Rent Roll of Isle of Wight Co.

Notes for John Person II:
John Person, Jr. and his father were Loyalists, and received several grants of land in lower Surry Co., VA. He also received land in Brunswick County. The family were members of the Church of England.

Quaker records show he married Mary Partridge on 10 Mar 1692 (she was likely of that faith). Her name was spelled Mary Partredge in one list. Miles White, Jr.'s "Early Quaker Records in Virginia" pp. 13-14 : "John Persons ye sonn of John Persons in ye county of Isleaweight And Mary Patredg the daughter of Thomas Patredg in ye county of Sirry did publish there marriage at a meeting of frends in Richard Ratlifes howse in ye county afore sd on ye tenth day of ye tenth month last And coming before the meeting the second time in Thos Jordans howse at Chucatuck on ye Eleventh day of ye twelft month last they did publish there Marriage againe and were married in Thomas Tookes howse in ye Isle a weight County on this tenth day of the first month in ye year 1691/2.."
There follows a list of 23 present. The Quaker wedding recorded just previous to this took place at William Cook's house, so it appears possible that John II's mother, Frances Cook, may have been a Quaker.

He later married Sarah [unknown], sometimes shown as Cooke or Glover. Sarah preceded him in death. She made a renunciation of his will 20 Sep 1738 (Surry Co.). His lengthy will names wife Sarah, sons John, Thomas, Francis, Joseph, Benjamin, Samuel, William, Jacob, a grandson Joseph Tuke, and grand-daughter Averelah Tuke, daughers Mary and Elizabeth.

Thanks to Mr. George Fields Whatley of Pensacola, FL.

"Although twice married John Person's first wife, Mary (Partridge) Person, was the mother of his seven children" - Barbara Roach Knox

On 10 April 1665, at about the age of 5, he received a deed of gift from his Cook grandparents and William Miles, who owned land in conjunction with them, for 100 acres. Clerk of Isle of Wight Circuit Court, Isle of Wight Co., VA, Will and Deed book 1, pp. 41-42. Later he received 8 land patents. Altogether it appears that he acquired approximately 4000 acres in Isle of Wight and Surry.

On 20 April 1684, he received 2 grants in Surry Co.: 290 acres for transporting 6 people, and 740 acres for transporting 15 people. Nell Marion Nugent, Cavaliers and Pioneers, vol. 2, p. 278.

On 17 Dec 1717, he was granted 76 acres for services performed toward making the new settlement for the Saponi Indians at Christianna, his grant being in Isle of Wight Co., north of the Meherrin River, and part of the former Indian tract.

On 18 Feb 1722, he received two grants: 130 acres and 100 acres on the south side of the Merherrin in Isle of Wight.

On 17 Feb 1731 he was mentioned again - 100 acres plus an additional 700, part wast land.

On 27 Feb 1734 he received 330 acres on the southside of the Meherrin, on Fountain's Creek in Brunswick. Nugent, Vol. 3, p. 409.

On 5 June 1736 he received 1375 acres in Surry, north of Blackwater Swamp on sw side of Johnschawcon Swamp.

He was recorded as having been a verstryman at St. Luke's CHurch, sometimes called Old Brick Church, 10 miles from Smithfield, in Isle of Wight Co., VA. The abstracted minutes of the 20 April 1731 meeting of the vestry of Newport Parish (of which St. Lukes was a part) contains the line "Mr. John Person be summoned to the next vestry." At the 25 Aug 1731 meeting, he is listed as one of the vestrymen present, and a line says, "John Person sworn in as Vestryman."

At the 28 Mar 1733 meeting the quote it "Maj. John Davis and Mr. John Parsons be Sworn Churchwardens."

John left a detailed will dated 8 Aug 1721, prob. 21 Mar 1738, Surry Co., VA Will Book 1738-1754 p. 50.