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Lainee's Lineage


2336. Richard Sledge

Richard and Ann came to Virginia from Pensford, England on a ship named the "Alithia" in 1681 or 1684 depending on the source, but there have been no other records found to my knowledge pertaining to Richard & Ann Sledge after arriving in Virginia.

American Plantations and Colonies
Ships to America
Passengers listed as departing Bristol, England on the Alithea, 1684:

Date listed: Residence: Destination:
(not departure)
Hunt, Cornelius October 2 Castle Moreton Maryland
Sledge, Ann October 9 Penford Virginia
__________________________________________________________________________ _________

Another possible source of ships: (Filby's Passenger & Immigration List Bibliography, 1538-1900)

Richard Sledge:
The first record found of the Sledge family in America, to my knowledge, is found in Hargreaves-Mawdsley "Ship Lists in Bristol and America" p. 174, which states that Richard and Ann Sledge, immigrants, arrived in the "Alithea" in 1681, sailed from Bristol, England, named Penford and their home place.

It is believed Charles is their son - Historical Southern Families - Boddie - Vol xv p. 174.
This info. is not verified.

2352. John Person

This information graciously contributed by Joe George:
You can return to the main table of contents for this Person family document by going
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document by contacting Joe.

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I JOHN PERSON (circa 1630-1707) sailed from England to Virginia and settled in the
Isle of Wight County by 1648. He bought land near the Blackwater river. He must have
been a neighbor of William and Mary (Miles) Cooke because in 1658 he married their
daughter, Francis Cooke (b 1640 d 1721). John and Francis (Cooke) Person were the
parents of one child, John Person, Jr. b 1660.

Notes for John Person:
Or John Parson or John Parsons.

"John is listed as coming to Jamestown, Virginia, in 1648 on the Transport at age 18. There is an entry tying John to Richard: "John Perce, sonne of Richard Perce of Somersetshire, England. Said to own land in Virginia Colony near to land owned by Captain John Ratliff, the first Governor." John was the neighbor of William Cooke (1615-1679)."

A number of Parson, Parsons and Person folks were immigrants to Virginia between 1637 and 1653. Others went to Maryland. This John Person may be the one that landed at Nansemond County, which adjoins Isle of Wight Co., VA. Had he arrived prior to 1642, it would have been upper Norfolk County.

"He settled on Blackwater River in Isle of Wight County, which was near the plantation of his future father-in-law, William Cooke. Cook(e) was a well known name and there are many references to them. Sir William Cooke is listed in " several journals.

Thanks to Mr. George Fields Whatley of Pensacola, FL for the book "Whatley, Person ..." (where's that title page!) published by Genealogy Publishing Service.

His name is often reported as John Parson or John Parsons. He was designated as overseer of the execution of the will of Captain Francis England of Blackwater in Isle of Wight on 13 May 1677.

His will: "I give and bequeath my while Estate Real and personall to be Equally Divided between my Loving wife Frances and my only Son John to you and their heirs forever." John Parson. Note : all names spelled Parson in the will.

George Fuller Walker, "Person(s) Lineage", c 1951 indicates that John Person may have come to Virginia as a headright for Nicholas Dixson. Patent Book 2, p. 166 tells of Dixson receiving land for 6 people, including John Person, on 20 Nov 1648. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, 1623-1666, Geneological Publishing Company, Inc., 1963)

In March of 1667, following Bacon's Rebellion, John Person joined with m any neighbors in Isle of Wight County to sign a petition supporting the King but also calling attention to their grievances. In 1704 his name appears on the Rent Roll of Isle of Wight Co.

2353. Francis Cooke

Notes for Frances Cooke:
or Frances Cook. She is mentioned in the will of her son, John Person II, dated 8 Aug 1721 Surry Co., VA, "I doe give and bequeath unto Francis Person, my
son, ye plantation in Isle of Wight County whereon my mother now lives ..."