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Lainee's Lineage


37632. John Person (the first John)

1. Richard5 Person (John4 , John3 , Richard2 , William1 ) was born 1588 in Somersetshire, England, and died 1677.

Notes for Richard Person:
Bill Person of Post Oak, Texas has shared a great history of this family. In November, 2000 his e-mail address was: . William Leroy
Person, his uncle, did the research.

Bill Person talks about an estate in France called the Parsonage, where a Person family resided. Then mentions William Person (c. 1500) who was mentioned in
an account of a battle and his son Richard Person (c. 1522) who was killed in battle. John Person (1544-1603), oldest son of this Richard Person, loyally
supported King James I with his wealth and in battle. This John Person is not as widely mentioned as his younger brother in history. Robert Person
(06-24-1546 to 04-15-1610) can be found under the name Robert Parsons in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The two sons of John Person, Lawrence and John
Person II (1567-1633) fought the Irish rebellion to depose the O'Carols as Earl of Rosse, a leader of the rebellion. Lawrence was made Earl of Rosse and
awarded Birr Castle, now Parsontown, King County, Ireland, and the Persons still live there. John Person II was involved with the London Company with Sir
George Somers, and his son Richard Person (1588-1677), named for his great-grandfather, was made a ship Captain.