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Our Sweet Angelica


Oh the longing we both had
to be a Mommy and a Daddy
We put our hopes and dreams in you
She hoped for pink, he dreamed of blue
But for you God had a different plan
One we may never understand

We were visited by an Angel
Though we didn't know it then
You were the answer to our prayers
Our Angel Unaware

We barely got to say hello
before we had to let you go
God breathed your name and called you home
So briefly here, so quickly gone
But in the stillness of the night
My empty arms still hold you tight

We were visited by an Angel
Though we didn't know it then
You were the answer to our prayers
Our Angel Unaware

In my mind I see you running
Chasing bees and butterflies
Soft hair gently blowing
Healthy cheeks, laughing eyes
in the quietness of the morning
When the mist hangs in the air
I hold you close within in my heart
My Angel Unaware

How can I miss someone so much
I barely had the chance to touch
Yet as you grew inside of me
I learned how strong a love could be
I knew you for a lifetime
I'll love you all of mine

We were visited by an Angel
Though we didn't know it then
You were the answer to our prayers
Our Angel Unaware

Mommy and Daddy here are some poems for you 2. I love you both very much. Click on the Poem button below.

I Hear Each Tear Fall On Her Face

My Mom doesn't know I'm watching her but I'm watching her just the same. And I hear each tear fall on her face at the very mention of my name. She says it sounds like music to her ears and can be heard over a crowd. Oh, I hear each tear fall on her face when my name is said aloud. I watch her stumble through each day as she wishes the day would end. And I hear each tear fall on her face as she talks of me to her friends. But there are few who truly understand. Oh this I've heard her proclaim. And I hear each tear fall on her face. Will my Mom ever be the same? I know that her smiles light up a sky. But I don't see that smile today. Oh, but I hear each tear fall on her face. Her blue skies have turned to gray. Oh I send to her my warmest hug with the rays of the morning sun. Then, I won't hear a tear fall on her face. For I shall erase them one by one. Yes, my Mom doesn't know I'm watching her. But I'm watching her just the same. And if I hear a tear fall on her face I'll just softly whisper her name! ~Author~ Kaye Des'Ormeaux Copyright 2001 Kaye Des’Ormeaux Dedicated to each Mom who has lived this nightmare

My Mommy and Daddy was having me a little sister or brother, I got a sister...:)! Do you want to see her? Click below and you can...
My Sister

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