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Ireland Grace


Hi, my name is Ireland Grace and I am the baby sister to Angelica whom is in Heaven. I came into this world on August 10th 2001 at 4:59 p.m. weighing a whopping 6 lbs and 8 1/4 ozs! That is big, just ask my Mommy...:) I was 20 inches long. Just ask my Daddy how big my eyes are and what I thought about being born into a bright room! There was bunches of people waiting for me to cry and boy I cried just for them! I let them hold me for a little while and I got bunches and bunches of things they call "kisses". I think I will be getting alot of those things...I am at home now with my Mommy and Daddy and 2 little furry things they call dogs. One was real excited is what Mommy said. I think I will like it here at my new home. I have a pretty room with lots of Angels in it. I have a personal Guardian Angel, my big sister Angelica. I have been told she will be watching over me, which I think is great. I am learning I have people who love all over me, they are called grandparents, and they love on me alot! I have cousins, I have one in Heaven with my sissy Angelica. I have Aunts and Uncles, one Aunt sure cried when she had to leave me and go home, but I bet I see her again soon. She bought me a neat seat that I like to sleep in. Well that is enough from me for now, I am just little but I have alot of things to do, like eat and sleep. Sometimes I sleep, sometimes I like to just have Mommy and Daddy hold me or put me in their bed. Well that is me for now. As I get bigger I will have more pictures of me to share....I love being here....I get lots of love....nighty night!

Want to see a pic of me now at about 4 months old! I sure have grown a lot...mommy feeds me really well and boy Dad and I have some great times together. I really like it here, they are good to me.



This holiday they call Easter is pretty cool! I get lots of stuffed animals to play with! I am trying to hide in them...can you find me?


Look at me and Aunt Deb!! I am now a BIG ONE!! See my pretty dress that Aunt Deb got me....:) I think she really loves me bunches and bunches!



This is me in my cousin Joshs' rocking chair when he was 1 yr, who would think 21 years later I would be here in this chair too! Ain't I just too cute....(Aunt Deb sure thinks so!!)


Look how big and how gorgeous I am now! I love pretty dresses and frilly things. I am definitely a girlie-girl, but I also love to get my hands dirty!

A true Princess for sure.....:)



Look what God gave to me!! A new baby sister!! Her name is Isabella Faith. I wanted to name her Skyle Angel, but Mom and Dad had the final call on this one..:) Isn't she beautiful! I am in love with her. I hug her and kiss her every chance I get! I can't wait to play dress up with her, but Mom says I have to wait a while...oh well, we are best friends already!

Click on the Home button and you go back to my sister's page or click on my cousin Josh's name and go back to his page.

Josh's Page