Top Ten Version #5 - 10/3/2000

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

Easy morning
sleeping late
praising God
feeling great
joy of giving
pass it on
God gives much
through His Son
Light delights
ignites the soul
lends us strength
to act so bold
watching over
keeps the calm
in life's winters
He keeps us warm
snuggle in covers
smile so deep
a prayer to God
before returning to sleep

[Note from author: Oops! Sorry, Pastor, I was dreaming I'd gone to church.]

We continue in our study of the Top Ten. This week we will cover Deuteronomy 5:11 and 5:12 - "Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God." and "Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you." (The Book version of the Bible) Respecting God's name and keeping the Sabbath - God has His reasons to ask us to do both of these.

God loves and respects each of us. HE only expects the same from us. Just as HE asks us not to worship other gods or idols out of love and respect, HE asks us to use HIS name carefully as well. We have all heard someone use "God" or "Jesus Christ" before cursing or call it out in anger (almost as a word of cursing). I have come to believe that using "God" and "Jesus Christ" in this way tears down not only the love and respect one has but aids in making the divinity unreal in a way. As thought something not to be taken seriously. If we respect our Creator then we should reference HIS name with care and respect.

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

We are of the tribe of Jesus
HE gathers us under HIS wings
Praising HIS name in troubles
brings joy and blessings

Peace be to my brothers and sisters
joined by Calvary
Sing joy for HIS sacrifice
and triple HIS glory

God has asked us to join together with other believers at least once a week. Now God had a good reason for asking us to do this: we NEED a day to come together not only to collect monies, sing praise to HIM, and pray but also because it is a way for us to be recharged. Our faith and spirit are recharged when we gather with other believers. We are recharged in our studies when we gather and study with other believers (some of us need more motivation than others to study). We are recharged when we gather together and pray as a group. I feel recharged in joy when I sing praises to my Lord with other believers. In short, gathering with other believers helps us to stay focused. It keeps us on track and energized.

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

Last Sunday in church
they said that we
shouldn't be ashamed
to ask the Lord for help
That's good to know
Still don't take
the comfort in it
that I should
I seem to be constantly
asking HIM to help me
with something or the other
Sometimes I wonder
how close I bring HIM
to utter frustration and tears
the Lord could help me
find a little

We need this support not just for daily living but especially in times of stress and distress. In cultivating a relationship in the family of Christ we know that we will always be able to help our brothers and sister and that they will be there for us as well. Our God works miracles through HIS children when we allow ourselves to be (as Audio Adrenaline put it) HIS "Hands and Feet." [NOTE: Remember that any healthy relationship is never one-sided - rather that be with your brothers and sisters in Christ or with God.]

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 1999

colorful lines
drawn between us
drawing us
fencing in lines
to keep us
where our God
knows what
He's doing
in every piece
of His
art ...

We have one more ring on the Top Ten! Hope you're looking forward to it. I welcome any comments on the Top Ten versions of the ring and any suggestions for future studies. May God be with you and yours.
Peace, love, and forgiveness.

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