New year Edition - 1/1/2000

December 30, 1999
-Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

New Year
New beginningsm
Another chance with God
A blank slate
A moment in life
yet unwritten
Unspoken possibilities
Purity of time
New beginnings
like a rebirth
Unfallen with
yet unwalked steps
A chance to
never fall

Hello, friends! Welcome to the first edition of this poetry ring for the year 2000! It seems that we all came through it well.

At the store I work in, there was a mad dash this past week from people fearing the worst of Y2K or the end of the world or .... something. We ran out of many of the basic "emergency" supplies. One item continually asked for was lamp oil. There was none to be found this past week in all the county it seemed. I remarked to the store manager that there was a passage in the Bible about lamp oil and trying to find it when it was too late. I went home and found Matthew 25:1-13. It is the parable of the wise and the foolish virgins at the wedding feast. Though it isn't talking about trying to find "emergency" necessities a day before a New Years, it concerns waiting too late to find a basic necessity of Life - having a relationship with God. I wanted to post a sign at my register with "In reference to Lamp Oil:" then have Matthew 25:1- 13, and after it saying, " Is your soul low on oil? Take care of it today - come to the Lord and ask HIM to come into you life and fill your soul to overflowing." Though my manager agreed with the sentiment, I wasn't allowed. I have to settle on making statements about my faith in other ways. I wear a pin that a friend gave me for Christmas that says, "My heart belongs to Jesus". I try to make sure that I reflect in my actions what the pin says. I am becoming a little less shy on some occasions about telling customers that I will pray for them and their circumstances. Some are shocked but all seem appreciative. Some customers, however, I silently pray for but never tell them.

-Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

Freakin' out
in multiple directions
strugglin' hard
to maintain connection
Grace and mercy
vs. Fear and loathing
world or God
am I absorbing?
Distractions deep
sensual coveting
to my knees
is where it brings me
of immoral mortality
of fruitful reality
recedes to focus
goodbye to terra
God = purpose

I know it may sound silly, but I enter this new year with the realization that all Christians struggle daily with temptations. Each person has their own things that they're tempted by. I'm afraid that my list is long. I am told that as I grow in my faith I will have an easier time of dealing with such temptations. I've only been a Christian for 3 years (if you count from the date of my baptism) and I am afraid that patience is definitely NOT my strong suit. It's so easy to look at other Christians (especially those we mistakenly place on petalstools) and think that they seem to be dealing with things so much better, so much easier than we are. Or worse, that you are the only person having these kinds of horrible gaps in faith - these times of crisis within the soul. I will be honest with you: I still have moments of great struggle over so many different areas of my life - my past, my present, my future. I am sometimes brought to a complete stand still by the agony of temptations, of doubt, of struggle with faith and not knowing fully what God wants of me. It would make things so simple if HE'd just lean down and say in exactness what HE wants me to do with my life and the gifts HE has blessed me with. However, it seems that's usually not the way it works. That's what the above poem, "Multiple" is about - my struggles.
Then I have moments without doubt. Moments where clarity reigns - when body, mind, and soul seem to at once agree. It's very exhilarating. Wish it happened more frequently. : )

-Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

The Word becomes clear
in a shifting moment
Colors brighten
Hues deepen
Meanings expand
Horizons arise
from grayness
All points of
rushing past
any breaking point
which might have been
springs to
in view

Speaking of moments of clarity, or at least things that help me remain in focus, some thoughtful people made sure I got some coolness for Christmas. I received the following items and am thankful for how they are already aiding in my focus and growth:

Steven Curtis Chapman - Speechless cd
Third Day - Time cd
Audio Adrenaline - Some Kind of Zombie cd and Underdog cd
dc Talk - Supernatural video and Jesus Freak book
sampler cd with 15 different Christian artists

What did YOU get for Christmas? Let me know if you received anything special - be it a gift under a tree or a gift of life and love from the man on the lone tree. Here's one last thing for you:

-Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

I watch you motionless
praying for a future
to come
not knowing quite
what it will be
or mean
I am drawn to you
by our few parallels
by our connected
So I sit and watch
and hope
praying all things
for you to be pleasing

I'll close out this edition with that. God be with you, keep you and yours, and bless you deeply. Peace, love, and forgiveness.

In Christian love and fellowship,
Leslie Elain

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