Tolling of Anniversary Bells - 11/20/2000

"Where are you Shakespeare
that you have gone mute to me?
That I might lay in suffering
droughted for lack of inspiration."
- Leslie E. Johnson 7/2000

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's been one year since I began these rings. I appreciate all of the support, encouragement, and inspiration that all of you have lent to me. I could never have kept this up without the blessings that God has given to me through you. I thank you. As a form of celebration, I'm going to cut the small talk and just give you the poetry - just give you the praise straight as it came to me to give back to HIM.

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

The ease with which
You sooth my soul
hold me close
in whispered tones
and let me know
I'm not alone

In easy motions
I am complete
by You alone
none beyond reach
hold me close
from stains that keep

My Lord, I offer myself
hold me close
and ease my soul
in gentle tones
remake my mold

What I read inspires me. I wrote a number of little poems while reading C. S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity" - a book that I would highly recommend. The poem above and below both came from reading Lewis' work.

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

See the mountains
falling all around me
mountains I used climb
and fall
got a lot of tearing down
inside me
got a lot of dying
left to do

Oh that's what my Christ
has asked
such a simple request
leave the world and pain
behind you
let yourself be set upon
the rock

I also recently read Billy Graham's book on Angels (1975). One line in the book inspired this poem: "Come as you are - as the blind man, leper, the thief on the cross - and the angels shall rejoice!" - Billy Graham.

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

Come as you are
HE'll mold you as
you need to be
Come as you are
you need only
to believe
Come as you are
your imperfection
HE'll make to bleed
Come as you are
your faith and love
will live to breed
Come as you are
with all your
gruesomeness and scars
HE'll heal you
anywhere you are
Come as you are
allow His love
to set you free
Come as you are

A combination of God changing nature's beauty and listening to Riley Armstrong's album inspired this poem.

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000 (comes with music)

Little pink orange tree
pointing straight and true
colors are all over
changing you
soon you'll be stripped
and standing there bare
I'll rake up your leaves
know how you'll fair
you'll sprout again
gloriously green
covered from head to root
with a reborn sheen
Little pink orange tree
what do you think?
Will cold and rain
bring you to disaster's brink?
No leaves to shelter
limbs may break and run
days are so much shorter
are you missing the sun?
Know you'll sprout again
gloriously green
covered from head to root
with a reborn sheen
Little pink orange tree
know you inspire
bring me to thoughts
of things that are higher
sometimes I'm naked
in the rain and cold
the world gawks on
‘cause I got the glow
I sprout again
gloriously clean
clothed head to foot
with a reborn sheen

This last poem/song was inspired by John Fischer's piece in the October 2000 issue of CCM Magazine (the last page, people). If you missed this piece of his, please do yourself a favor and go find it. You'll also find that the attachment is the song portion of this poem. As promised, I'm continuing the new feature. : )

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

Standing at the edge of heaven
I can you hear whisper my name
telling me that You love me
I'm like a moth drawn to the flame

Knowing You love me
that You'll never leave me

Gazing upward to know You
I take a look through the stars
You smile back so warmly
heaven doesn't seem so far

Knowing You love me
that You'll never leave me

When I'm standing at the edge of heaven
my time on this world is gone
I know I'll be in good comfort
in all for me that You've done

Knowing You love me
that You'll never love me
No, I'm not alone
never alone in Your love

Thanks again for all the love and support. God gives to me and I give it back to HIM by sharing with you. It's been an incredible feeling of multiple blessings over the past year. Hopefully there will be many more years of poetry, songs, short stories, photos, and other forms of creative to come - if God is willing to answer my prayers. God be with all of you and yours. May He bless you deeply as He holds you close.
Peace, love, and forgiveness.
Leslie Elain

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