Hello, my friends. Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! A Wonderous New Year to ALL!!!

Okay, I guess I'm starting to get in the mood a little. My husband spent yesterday evening putting Christmas stuff up. At 11:30 last night I found him hanging lights outside the house. I left him and went to bed, so there's no telling how late the man was up. It's a really frightening thing to watch. He does the majority of the decorations, while I address all the Christmas cards and buy and wrap most of the presents. I begin shopping in April. Early on in the marriage I realized that if I didn't, I'd find myself trapped in a mall a week before Christmas (do read into that a lil feeling of chlostrophobia) - and hating the whole holiday.

I now try to get most things done by the end of November. Then I can relax and truly enjoy the holiday for all it's worth - while teaching my children to do the same. If I'm not out there fighting through the malls then I can spend that time showing my children through various means that Christmas is about Mercy and Joy and Love for your fellow man. It's about the birth of our Savior. Not fighting for the last tube of metallic red wrapping paper or the last Pokemon. But didn't I promise some poems to all of you? Here are two of the poems that I wrote last year. I still haven't written a poem for this year. However, I am getting some inspiration from my new job. Hopefully I'll be able to send it out soon.

Last year at this time I was a serious web addict. I'd stay on late into the night. I was playing with a new toy. It was ugly. That nasty cycle has been broken. I mainly just go on to check my mail. Here's the web addiction inspired poem from last year. Hope you enjoy.

-Leslie Johnson copyright 1998

I dreamed
in a shallow sleep of still being on
the computer
I sat there
as behind me
the Christmas tree
blinked it's light
so furiously
and there beside me
was HE
HE was waiting for me to finish
HE had something to say
and wanted my full attention
but I was finishing
leaving an important message
in an e-mail
and there was a party really rockin'
at the chats
and I had received
an IM that
this new site
was ultra phat
And so the keys
they kept on clickin'
until finally HE said"Don't forget
the party
the angels had
rocked the world
that night
and the message
they sang
was about the coming
of pure light
and last but not least
if you'll just
care to take a look
if you'll trust and believe in ME
I've bought you eternity
but I never wrapped it
or placed it beneith that kinda tree."
HE had my full attention
I couldn't see
within HIS light
to the features of the figure
that was incidental
didn't matter -- truly
I was awestruck
that HE cared
enough to remember me
[HIS Christmas budget
was far larger than mine
the debt already paid
HE bought the world
for that my life I'd trade]
So I turned the computer off
and at me HE shone a smile
"Come with me and we'll have our chat
it'll last for quite a while."
A life of devotion between HE and I
I asked how long
HE'd been waitin'
for me to take a look
"Your whole life
my hungry child."
To the smile
HE threw a wink
I nodded in my sleep
a smile upon
my lips
HE was light
and warmth
and comfort
so soft
so soothing
the dream faded
to fuzziness
but I woke
with a thirst
to drink

I was sitting at my in-laws' house last year. In the background (before that wretched ice storm hit and knocked the power out and trapping us for 3 days) was all the usual Christmas specials. I was hearing another version of "Joy to the World" when I pictured all those angels singing. What an awesome sight it must have been! For some reason I began to ponder that there was at least one "angel" who wasn't singing or the least bit happy about the whole thing. I picked up the pen and this inked itself onto the paper.

-Leslie Johnson copyright 1998

At the birth of Jesus
the angels sang
and celebrated HIS birth
mankind's release was soon at hand
But one angel
was not in on the celebrations
he didn't care for this
ancient caroling session
Instead he stalked
in brooding fashion
to Herod's house
and whispered into his ear
the idea of infanticide
Then he smiled a wicked smile
at the thought of all the anguish
Mothers weeping
as blood flowed in the streets
But this angel
was again fuming
his plan against the baby Jesus
had failed
When Jesus came of age
ready to take HIS cue
one angel saw again
a chance to steal salvation
from a lost generation
he tempted Jesus
not once but thrice
each time raising the stakes
Again he was twarted
and sulked away
already beginning work
on the back up plan
while Jesus poured out HIS ministry
to a world so greatly in need
the one angel
went to the pharisees
whispering eager hatred to their hearts
Thus it was easily decided
that the death of Jesus must come
How the one angel laughed
as the heavenly angels wept
at the sight of Jesus
tortured, in pain
and finally hanged
upon the cross
in grueling agony HE died
the earth was so moved to tremble
as one angel lay in delight
in the passions of a dark heaven
Delight was fleeting
when the angel saw
his own defeat at hand
all his work
all his plans
had all been a tool
for the end plan of the Creator
Jesus rose
HE walked the earth once more
to prove death had been defeated
Salvation of mankind was won
The one angel
lost so long ago
still rages
at his losses
still rages
at his defeats
set upon his final plan
to lead mankind away from God
Still he manipulates
as he whispers
into hearts that will hear
"You cannot be saved.
Your way's too dark.
How could Jesus really love you?"
he whispers his lies
he twists all the truths
craving with depraving
one last shot
but again we will see
he will fail
it is God's decree
in the end
Satan is banished to the pit

I hope that you all liked both poems. As soon as I get this year's Christmas poem penned - you'll be the first to see it. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Remember what should come first not just at this time of the year but through the whole of the year. [I don't think I have to tell you what that is, right?] God be with you all!

Peace, love, and forgiveness,


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