Christmas Edition - 12/8/99

Hello friends!
I promised a Christmas poem. Well, I sort of have one. But I'll get to that in a minute. I can't explain to you what made me think of this or write what I did about it. Briefly, this is how it happened. I was watching this Christian video show (I believe it was "2 Worlds"?) - anyway they were talking about miracles (this episode had the members of Grits on it - very interesting). I began thinking about have I ever had a something in my life I could point to and without a doubt say, "that was a miracle." I quickly realized that, due to far too many situations, it's a miracle that I'm even alive and breathing today. I shouldn't be but for the will of God alone.

Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

Water shot over my head
my lungs hurt
I could only see
the light
as it slowly
drifted away
as I drifted
in the lapping tide

YOU brought me back
through mother's arms
breathing life into
my soul
as life was breathed
back into my body

If I fight the
not believing
YOU are there
that YOU will provide
I will indeed die
deep within my soul
a piece will be

Trust and believe
the waters will divide
I will rise
finally becoming
one with YOU

I was to have a house guest from out of town recently. A good friend of mine. I made preparations around the house. I had bought her a few things and put them in a festive gift bag awaiting her arrival as it sat on my desk. The hours drifted by and she didn't show up. She isn't the type to not call if there is to be some delay. I became terribly worried. My mind immediately jumped to the worst possible scenario. What if something had happened to her? What if I never saw her again? I was deeply disturbed and to help relieve the fears, I sat down with pen and paper. This is what came out. (p.s.: Always remember to tell people that you care about how much they mean to you - how much you love them.)

Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

It sits
having held promise
friendship to be shared
It might have brought
such a tender moment
It was meant
to touch the heart
It sits
useless without
the recipient's surprise
useless without
the recipient's acceptance
useless as it sits

After re-reading my poem the following morning, I realized that the gift wasn't necessarily the one sitting on my desk. I thought about the gifts that God has given us that we somehow don't acknowledge and thus don't receive. How many people don't acknowledge the gift of Jesus and thus go unsaved. Deep thoughts........
Now, I want you to know that my friend finally called me to let me know she was alright. Her plans just changed rather quickly and she couldn't get to a phone to call me. I cried tears of joy and relief!

Having waded through all of that, you finally now reach the Christmas poem. My job is in retail. That's right. At Christmas time. It's not a glamorous job - I'm a cashier. I have made it a goal of mine to try to be as pleasant and cheerful as possible because I've quickly found that so many people are without Christmas cheer. I am finding myself of late praying more for the people in my check out line than I do at my computer (don't ever be afraid to send me your prayer requests - I will ALWAYS pray over it). I don't always tell them that I'm praying for them, I just want to help them someway and sometimes prayer is the ONLY way that I can. I wrote this poem 2 days ago after a rather long day. I did a lot of prayin'.

Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

Christmas is
a bright red bow
hung just out of reach
a little child
spies a toy
turns with a look
mother with tired exasperation
hurt that she can barely
provide for the day
must explain
Christmas is
a golden garland
hung just out of reach
a woman of age
eeks out the coins
to pay for necessities
a meager pension
increases her tension
in a check out line
confronted with holiday cheer
she explains
Christmas is
a sweet candy cane
hung just out of reach
a teenage group
with money to spare
drifts through the store
with little care
any gift will do
just another reason to shop
insert holiday greetings -
yeah yeah whatever
no need to explain
Christmas is
multi-colored blinking lights
hung just out of reach
a man frowns
as he stands in line
behind a family filled with cheer
the children haven chosen
to drop the change
from their candy canes
into the box for the needy
as they leave earshot
the man mutters
that "their kind" are known
to steal around this time of year
better check your stock
no time to explain
Christmas is a painted tin angel
hung just out of reach
crowds run in and out
wrapping paper
quick gifts
no thoughts for disposable goods
no thoughts for disposable people
see no reason for the season
just mad dashes
before the tearing of paper
it's too loud to try to explain
Christmas is
true love as simplicity

Not a pretty poem, is it? Not meant to be. Remember in this season to help your fellow man as he or she might need it - in whatever tiny way might be offered. And then keep that person in prayer. It's how I am keeping this season less stressful and more focused on what and who is really important. Trust me, it's how I stay sane here lately.

Merry Christmas to all!!! God be with you and keep you and yours!!!

Peace, love, and forgiveness,

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