It's Coming - 2/15/2001

Lately I have had the voices and stories of others swirling in my mind. I began writing at age 11 with short stories. I seem to be returning to those roots (for whatever reason of God's). I have completed one short story, "When the Smiling Lady Cried." This is the next thing that's coming from me - this will be in place of a regular ring. In the meantime, this is sort of a crossover poem/story. One of the things that used to hold me back from even looking at God or His church was my love of studying history. I could see a trail of blood through the last 20 centuries from within and outside of the church. I couldn't make the connection of a God who loved us so much to sacrifice His only son with the ruthless bloodletting that litters history. It was this thing that once held me back that led me to write this poem. Now I understand what the sacrifice meant, unfortunately there are many in history who never seemed to catch on.

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2001

Innocent blood from innocent lives
spilled through history
to suppress or force Christ.
The point of the savior's sacrifice
missed or crinkled over
in a quest of control and murder.
How many innocent lives
needlessly sacrificed
before the world understands
the true meaning of HIS plan?

A mother of two watched
with horror and grief as they slew
the children at the neighbors' house.
Elisabeth knew hers were next
though she hid with them crouched
the baby's cries gave it all away.
It was Herod's order that
they must be slain.
Elisabeth fought for their lives
but was stayed by a knife.
She cried as she died
watching her lil ones
join her in death.
Is this not a mirror of
our Heavenly Father's love?
When Jesus came down
to die from above?

How many innocents have died
with the name of Jesus on their lips
dying because of another's hate
on a giddy destructive power trip.
Through the twenty centuries
that have passed since
that first call to believe
How much innocent blood
has been shed?
How much history has run
dark in a river of red?
Jesus Christ didn't ask us
to kill non-believers.
Just to preach HIS gospel
and resist the deceivers.

Elsa felt the blood run and
the bruise as it formed.
A witch she'd been cast
because of a face born deformed.
Though she'd lived by
the ways of Christ -
always kind to others
despite their lack of insight.
"Renounce your sins, Elsa,
or for you it's the stake."
The priest proclaimed
hoping to see her break.
She continued to plea
that with Jesus she stayed.
Wanting an impression of power
she was indeed burned that day.
I ask you who was it
truly living for Christ?

How much innocent blood
spilled in the name of
Jesus the Christ?
How many lives
will need be sacrificed?
His message accepted
so often goes unheeded.
Though through the centuries
HIS life has pleaded
the case to live otherwise.

Living under oppression
in a country ripe with fear
the Christians were rounded up
their judgement day was here.
Judged as enemies of the state
they were heckled and beaten.
Many gave way to pain
but one was not defeated.
Lilian felt the shock
as the bullet ripped through.
The soldiers stood and laughed and snarled
"Where's your God to save you?"
Her breath was leaving
as the life blood drained away.
She prayed forgiveness
for those who had chosen to slay.
I ask you if this is not
as example of living in Christ?

How many innocent lives
must die in the name of Christ
before the world understands
the loving gift of HIS plan?
Without the surrender
of these lost souls
there will always be a mounting
of the bloody Christian toll.

I must admit that trying to read "The Jesus Freak Book" reawakened my thoughts of this. I read it for a while then just have to put it down in tears. I hit my knees in prayer not only for those around the world who are still persecuted but also for those who persecute, for those who just don't get it. I have known too many people who have claimed to be Christian but still did unspeakable acts of unkindness or horror. I see the impact it left on my life for so many years. I see that same effect in others. So I pray that I walk in HIS ways so that others may see HIS love. I pray that those who label themselves Christian and do harm might see the True Light. I pray for souls to be changed and uplifted - mine included, among others. My God be with you and yours. Peace, love, and forgiveness.

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