Coveting Edition - 2/23/2000

Welcome to this edition of Leslie's Poetry Ring. Before I start, I want to thank those of you who have responded to recent editions. I always enjoy feedback (good and bad). It helps me to know how you feel, and it encourages and inspires me. I apologize that it's been so long since I sent an edition out. It seems that the modem died in our computer. I was unable to reach the internet and check my mail - What a Horror! : ) Everything's fine now, so you should be able to reach me and I'll continue to send editions out regularly. Now on to the topic of this edition.

Merriam Webster Dictionary - "to desire enviously (what belongs to another)
Zondervan Bible Dictionary - "1. The desire to have something. (Cor. 12:31; 14:39) 2. The inordinate desire to have something. (Luke 12:15; Eph. 3:15; Col. 3:5) 3. Excessive desire of what belongs to another. (Exodus 20:17; Romans 7:7)

In today's society coveting is no big deal. The thought on the matter is: "if you want something, go for it." One look at talk shows (like Jerry Springer) lets you know that it doesn't matter who or what you're looking at, wanting, coveting - it's okay to go for it as long as it feels good and doesn't hurt another person.

- Leslie Johnson copyright 2000

The sky is streaked
with rebellious angels
screaming for lives
in music videos
heartbeats pulse
in neon flashing signs
running at 90
down the interstate
laughter at what nothing holds
crowds the atmosphere
souls are exchanged
for a taste
under the
"body for sale" pages
Enraged angels banshee shrieking
"touch me, enslave me
forget to save me
just give me all I demand"
Shooting the bird
at God's condemnation
a sure sign of rejection
pure love burns the rebellious
too deep

God's viewpoint on the subject is this:
Exodus 20:17 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."

HE had good reason for asking us not to covet. If we're looking at what someone else has, we're less likely to be happy with what we do have. Also, if left unchecked, the desire builds to overload and then coveting may lead to anger, depression, stealing, lying, adultery, murder ....

Even though as Christians we know that God knows best, sometimes we slip to society's views. We find ourselves hungering for something or someone we see that we think can fill our senses. Something or someone who can "complete" us, null the pain - in short: it makes us feel good all over.

- Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

I see the twinkle in your eyes
I see the mischief in your smile
I want to smile
I want to come
over to you and feel the high

I can feel your sensuality
feel it in the air
flowing between you
and every woman in the room
It is alive but it is false

I know what I want
I want to feel your heat
I want to know every inch
of your body and kiss those lips
let my tongue slip
until we both shake

But that is a me that
I sought to let go
I can turn my back
and walk out the door
try to forget how it might have gone
Go seek my refuge in God
Hold onto my Jesus instead of an illusion

God wants us to look for completion in HIM - not in something or someone else. HE wants us to seek comfort in HIM. We were made to be connected with God. We have both physical and spiritual components to our beings. If we allow desires (coveting) to gain control of our thoughts and then our deeds, we will find ourselves growing more distant from God. The coveting, the trying to comfort and complete ourselves with something or someone else, builds a barrier between ourselves and God.

- Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

I wish to leave again
not to be pulled in
so deeply
things that are holy not
things that have brought
me to my knees
Prayer seems so hard
heaven seems so far
worldly is lonely
I wish to leave the sin
have a chance anew to begin
self disgust
runs rampant through my soul
I am unworthy and cold
full of doubt
I don't like where I go
lust are hot and flow
leave me corrupt
I wish to walk away
go down on my knees and pray
reach for God
Will I ever be in HIM full
or always the deceived fool
so deeply out of holy

Another thing about coveting and what it leads to is that, contrary to what society may think, it CAN hurt another. We don't often think of our actions effecting another person's walk. We should. Take this for example: An older man came into the store, a regular customer, whom I've recognized as having an attraction to me. [I've tried to discourage him.] He asked me to go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans with him. Keep in mind that I'm a married woman with children. As a Christian I recognize that to accept the offer would not only have effected my life and my walk with God but those of my husband, children and countless others. [Aside from all that, the only reason I'd want to go to New Orleans would be to look at the Victorian mansions and antique shops - not to commit adultery.]

- Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

Can't stand
that I want you
mortality and sensuality
coupled to
sin and death
Quietly you ask me
would I really
to let weeds overgrow
I want to whisper
"Only if they have a
pretty bloom."
I don't dare.
How can I admit
the sins that
in dreams I commit
so far from
are we both
I don't dare
stumble you
with confession
of things
about me
I can't stand

We are all connected one to another. Our walk can effect the walk of others. For this reason, we must do our utmost to be the best living example of Christ that as human beings we can (while still being honest). We must do our utmost to turn our attentions from things in this world that tempt us. We must instead focus our sights on God and allow HIM to fulfill and comfort us. Focusing on God helps us to be less tempted by the worldly. Turning from the worldly helps us to be more focused on God. Things on this earth are temporary - earthly pleasures are temporary. God's love and commitment is forever and always.

- Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

The Lord is my Shepherd
not a doubt in my mind
replacing my fears
with a mood sublime
HE watches over me
pulls me back when I stray
HE comforts my loneliness
in a sweet serenade
HE is there every moment
rather light or dark
HE gives life meaning
when others see it as stark
HE demands loyalty
has commands I must follow
these out of love
so that in sin I don't wallow
The Lord is my Shepherd
in HIM all my hopes and needs
through HIS love and sacrifice
from death and sin I am freed

This concludes this edition [Leslie steps down from her soapbox, knowing full well that she's as guilty of coveting as anyone reading this but also alive in the knowledge that she can repent when she falls]. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or comments about what's been said.

God be with you and yours! Peace, love, and forgiveness.

Leslie Elain

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