April 10, 2000 - History Edition

Welcome to this edition of the poetry ring. I'm still on the road. However, after viewing about 15 houses over a three day housing blitz, we found the house we hope to make our home (pending the bank's approval and closing, etc.). So many of the houses we viewed had history of one type or another. We viewed a wonderful Victorian built in 1902 that still had many of it's original features. Other houses had been furnished with family antiques and had ancient quilts and needlework showcased behind glass frames and display cases. Glass doorknobs, beautifully crafted woodwork, attention to minute details - there were eras in history before ours when people took pride in what they did. They gave their all and put themselves into their creations because in the Bible our God tells us that it's the thing to do.

- Leslie Johnson copyright 2000

Men used to create beauty
to stand the test of time
today's craftsmanship
is nothing of the kind
Today few things
are made for beauty alone
lesser care in a throwaway world
leaves the heart forlorn
Men used to create beauty
to praise the divine
tucked into everyday things
no moment in life left blind
a mantle crafted with love
a quilt delicately tended
the graceful stitches in a choir robe
how many hearts were mended
Thoughts of beauty with love
and devotion melded though
people cared about what was created
not just skill but their belief was viewed
I can pick up a piece of history
and marvel at the care
taken to preserve God's blessings
for all the world to share

I am fascinated by history. Perhaps it's because for so long in my life, my own past was clouded. My family didn't talk much about Daddy, his family, and all that had happened - well, that is until a few years ago when I began asking questions. My sisters were endlessly annoyed at all my questions but they opened up to me. I would like to believe that their talking about the past and exploring their own pains with me has helped to heal their wounds. However, I find it rather arrogant of me to think so. If any healing took place, it was because God arranged it to be so. All I know for certain is that knowing the truth helped me to come to terms with it and heal from it.

- Leslie Johnson copyright 1996

Voices from the past are talking to me
Telling me different wants to be
Every reason to release my hedonistic ways
For peace and serenity and knowledge I pray
And meditation is a gift so pure
a relief from the world - for stress a cure
And I can give up all my worldly goods
For a day among nature; a walk in the woods
To be closer to nature is to be closer to God
To be free of the cities and the hostile mobs
The voices of the past know more than we
We complicate our lives with all we see
Tranquility, serenity, peace, knowledge, and love
Can it be found on earth as well as above?
As I listen to the voices it becomes so clear
The truth of their peace is all I can hear
I change my life to bend to HIS ways
I am filled with peace and joy as I meditate and pray

I wrote that back in 1996 as I was turning my life to God. My God was finding ingenious ways to talk to me and get my attention. There were so many ways - He did it at a Tori Amos concert, He did it through a close Christian friend, He did it through the classes I was taking in college at the time, He did it through my discovery of Christian music with dc Talk, and He did it by sending me 900 years of family history. Yes, I did say 900 years. I am still continually bummed that my father was as he was. I had believed that everyone in his family was the same. Then through a strange occurrence I came in touch with a man (a distant cousin) who had been researching our family name for a decade. He had traced the family back to a common ancestor in 1066 when William the Conqueror invaded England and won the throne at the Battle of Hastings. This one ancient ancestor was William de Peche, a knight who accompanied the future king into battle. Many of his descendants were priests, bishops, nuns, preachers - people of faith and devotion. It was encouraging. I then had the opportunity to go to a "reunion" organized by this researcher/author which, by another strange turn, took place in the city I was then living. I was so taken aback by the generosity and love of these people! Many were Christians and they opened their hearts to me. I sat there in tears realizing that, aside from the branch my father and his siblings were on, I had descended from a good family and did not need to be ashamed of my name any longer. I penned the following poem at this "reunion" and was then asked to read it to the 300 people in the room.

-Leslie Johnson copyright 1996

The wounded of soul
are coming together to heal.
They find others who are lost
and their pain is sealed.
They rejoice in the knowledge
that their kindred can smile.
That they can embrace without pain
and forget for a while.
They find a new past
and forget their old pain.
They can learn new stories
looking at pictures with age stained.
All this new knowledge,
this new family brings joy.
Heritage is restored
with all the Lord's glory.

The company my husband now has employment with has headquarters in France. When he told me that he may have to go there for business sometime, I had only one response, "You're not going without me!" I'm thinking maybe I could steal some time into England as well. Maybe do a little tripping around Europe if I have enough forewarning to plan it all out. Now Europe is definitely a place with history. I'd love to go photograph some of the old churches, cathedrals, and castles. I pray that it is God's will for me to make a visit there some day.

-Leslie Johnson copyright 1999

Walking in places
where a soul is lonely
seeing things
that few have seen
catching glimpses
of a history past
the way things
may have been

Meanwhile, I need to stop dreaming and begin doing all the footwork necessary for a move. Looking into churches, talking to the school, deciding on banking, arranging for movers - so it's back on the road. I want you to know that I did stop to thank God for seeing me and mine through all these last few months. I captured it in this last poem I'll share with you.

- Leslie Johnson copyright 2000

I've been less than perfect
more fallen than I care to admit
I walked down roads You warned me ‘bout
trying to escape the word "submit"
But every road I've traveled
every wrong turn I've made
You held my hand and dried my tears
even though I'd strayed
Jesus, You stayed with me
Oh how You've set me free

I praise Your name
for the comfort You provide
I praise Your name
for spanning the great divide
I praise Your name
for a thousand things more
I praise Your name
for the heavy cross You bore

I've turned to walk with You
the road is deep and slim
though the path seems overgrown (at times)
I see Your steps to follow in
You've marked the trail clearly
with simple markers and boundaries
If I follow this footpath after You
it leads to our Father's glory
Jesus, You lead me
Oh how You've set me free

I praise Your name
for the comfort You provide
I praise Your name
for spanning the great divide
I praise Your name
for a thousand things more
I praise Your name
for the heavy cross You bore

when I leave this life
I pray I'll be with You
singing praises to my Lord and God
my body made anew
Some will say my life wasn't full
because I chose to submit
My life is full of the Light
I shine because I DID commit
Jesus, You've released me
Oh how You've answered every plea

I praise Your name
for the comfort You provide
I praise Your name
for spanning the great divide
I praise Your name
for a thousand things more
I praise Your name
for the heavy cross You bore

Thanks for listening. I hope that you've enjoyed this edition. God be with you and keep you. Peace, love, and forgiveness.

Leslie Elain

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