April 17, 2000 - Easter Edition
Welcome to this edition of the poetry ring. In case you were wondering, I'm still on the road. I'll be traveling between Tennessee and Indiana until June when, God willing, everything will be settled and moved. Then I start the task of helping my children to adjust to their new surroundings while unpacking.
Easter's approaching. I've been sharing the Easter story with my little ones. When I got to the part about Jesus' death and the un-natural events around it, the question came up as to why the curtain in the temple was torn. The poem came as an explanation.
- Leslie Johnson copyright 2000
Jesus breathed His last
the sky was dark
the earth shook
And the curtain
that separated the
total holy
from common man
was shredded
down the middle
death and sin
which had separated
God from man
since Adam's
slip and trip
had been undone
for the asking
through belief
and love
What a poet in symbolism
my God is.
My daughter liked the poem and said that it helped her to understand this part of the Easter story better. Cool to know that my poetry is helping someone - especially my own children.
Now I've alluded to the fact that in my "bc days" I did a lot of searching for peace and healing in places other than with God. You might say that I was "looking for love in all the wrong places.......". Sorry couldn't resist. This next poem is a way to announce my dedication - I've made my decision and there's no turning back. I've no reason to turn from love so strong as to make the sacrifice on the cross - for me, for you, for all the world.
- Leslie Johnson copyright 2000
To every shaman
who walked through my door
To every heathen
who sat laughing on my floor
To every pagan
who around the hot night's bonfire danced
To every new-ager
who sought no God just meditation and chants
To every Buddhist
who taught me to prepare for incarnation
To every atheist
who taught me life was hopeless frustration
To every Wiccan
who said that white magic was pure
To every spiritualist
who laid the Tarot cards for worry's cure
To every goddess worshiper
who wanted me to join in
To every hedonist
who never wanted the party to end
To all of you and more
who showed me a road sparkling and broad
Just want you to know
life is clean and clear
since I've drawn near
The One True God
I hope that you've enjoyed this edition of the ring. I'll send my next one from the road! I have also taken time here and there to work on my web-site. It is much improved - thanks much to my friend, Greg, for the help and suggestions. Greg, your help made all the difference!. I welcome you to come visit it and tell me what you think of it. God be with you and keep you. Peace, love, and forgiveness.
Leslie Elain
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