Easter Believer 4/18/2001

"Jesus told her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again. They are given eternal life for believing in me and will never perish. Do you believe this, Martha?' ‘Yes, Lord,' she told him. ‘I have always believed...' " John 11:25-27 The Book version of the Bible

When I first met Pearlie Springer, I came away knowing two things for sure about her: that she had an unshakable belief that Jesus Christ was her Lord and Savior and that God blessed any living plant in her care. Her family room was filled with thriving plants of every kind. Her yard was littered with flowerbeds with beautiful brightly colored flowers and flowering trees. Her vegetable garden always produced an over- abundance that she was ever willing to share.

Dusty Wild Flowers
- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

magnolia blossoms
perfume the air
in a small southern town
the lane is littered
with wild flowers
so colorful
alive in taking a chance
to survive among the dust
shaking off
the filthy crust
these wild ones
are just as vibrant
within the wash
of the heavens
their artistic fragrance
secretly delights
just as much as
magnolia blossoms

You couldn't talk to Pearlie long before Jesus would enter the conversation. Jesus had brought her through much in her life. Her first husband had died young leaving her to raise their children alone. She worked a number of jobs to support her family along with also keeping up a farm. She did remarry and when she and her second husband reached the later years of their lives his health failed first. Pearlie took care of him most by herself, even with her own health problems, until his death. In her final years she lived alone in a one bedroom apartment, still with so very many thriving plants and a container garden on her back patio. And when her children or grandchildren weren't visiting, Jesus kept her company. When we'd come to visit, her Bible was always open just beside her favorite chair. She kept her life alive in God's Word.

Free in Jesus
- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 1999

Yesterday's only a memory
and tomorrow's yet to be
but somehow I'll get through them both
and find myself closer to thee
I want to be, I want to be, I want to be
Free in Jesus
I want to be, I want to be, I want to be
Free in Jesus
and with HIM
is where you'll find me
Time goes on as always
the mirror ages me gray
this body is only a temporary home
until I am called away
I want to be, I want to be, I want to be
Free in Jesus
I want to be, I want to be, I want to be
Free in Jesus
and with HIM
is where you'll find me
This world is full of nothing
and hope is not the brass ring
you'll find true peace in full measure
if only you'll follow the King
I want to be, I want to be, I want to be
Free in Jesus
I want to be, I want to be, I want to be
Free in Jesus
and with HIM
is where you'll find me

Pearlie was never shy about talking to you about her Savior. Without hesitation she would tell you about the joy and comfort He had brought into her life. She would tell you that He was always faithful to her. She would defend Him and praise Him with boldly spoken words that sometimes came with tears of joy. She lived her life as an example of Christ. She lived fearlessly in Jesus' name. She raised her children to walk the same path and always encouraged her grandchildren and great grandchildren to do the same.

Simple Praise
- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2001

Have I told you today
how much I love YOU?
Have I said all YOU
mean to me?
Have I expressed
my appreciation
when YOU've done
so much for me?
How can these simple words
so ineloquent in
their delivery
be enough to show
my wanting
to be ever close to YOU?
My Lord, my God
my deliverer, creator
my forgiver, savior
my champion, healer
I want to walk in YOUR Light
sing YOUR praise
all my days
into eternity bright
Thank YOU, God
for everything
for releasing me
from stain
Thank YOU, Jesus
for the cross
I can look heavenward
when I'm lost
And I pray
simply pray
Thank YOU, Lord
for this day

Just 10 days before her 83rd birthday this month, she passed away unexpectedly from a stroke. We stood there in the funeral home huddling together drenched in grief. We weren't worried for Pearlie. We knew that God had answered one last prayer for her - that she would come heavenward before she became a burden to her children. It was a prayer she'd prayed for years. No, we were standing there grieving that we had lost a great example of a Christian woman. We were grieving the loss of a prayerful believer. We were grieving the loss of her love. But we were comforted in knowing the life of one who so willingly and boldly walked the path with Christ. Her death was an immediate reminder of why Easter is so joyful. While she may have left this earth, she is alive for an eternity with Jesus.

When the Day Comes
- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 1999

When the day comes
for me to leave
I hope to happy
to finally be free
I'll smile so joyful
to those I've loved
join my heavenly father
in the skies above
My friends will mourn me
God will dry their tears
they'll remember the grace
that washed away my fears
I hope they praise His name
in all for me He's done
I hope they'll be happy
my eternity's begun
Neighbors who knew me
speak of my kind deeds
always willing to be helpful
to all those in need
mirrored in Christ's love
is what I hope they'll say
believe it for themselves
and follow Christ's ways
Now when the day comes
when I sit before the Lord
I pray He'll know me
as one of His adored
the words of men are kind
but meaningless to me
if Christ offers no entrance
to the heavenly city

I will deeply miss Pearlie. I think back on memories of her not knowing how many times she must have prayed for me. When she first met me I was this little heathen thing that her grandson had brought to meet her. She always opened her home graciously to me. I am in awe of her strength, faith, and constant love. I thank God for putting her be in my life. I will miss her until the day I finish walking this path that she helped to lead me to.

Peace, love, and forgiveness,

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