Top Ten Version #1 - 7/27/2000

Welcome to this edition of the ring. I want to thank all of you who responded to my last ring with words of encouragement, inspiration, and support. Thanks to everyone who took the time to spread the news of my website to your segments of cyberspace! I appreciate all of your efforts in helping me with this.

Now I believe that I promised to do a series of pieces on the Ten Commandments. So here I am at Deuteronomy 5. For this ring, I want to look specifically at Deuteronomy 5:18 and to an extent 5:21.

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000
(it came with a light Spanish tune)

There's a golden band on my hand don't you see?
Why are you still tempting me?
Take a deep breath before I am swayed.
It's best if I just walk away.
My commitment is not lost
like a leaf in wind tossed
if from my finger the ring is slipped
my loyalty does not trip
See the gold shine in the light?
It's time I say goodnight.
Go home, I'll pray for you.
Day by day, a friend's still true.
My commitment is not lost
like a leaf in wind tossed
from my heart my vows won't slip
no room for a wayward trip
Say goodnight, say goodnight
‘til your wanting is lost from sight.
Only then can you return
with no more that need be spurned.
There's a golden band on my hand for all to see.
Still the world loves tempting me.
Sometimes I can't walk away.
But in sin I don't want to stray.

"Do not commit adultery." Deuteronomy 5:18 (I am using "The Book" version of the Bible) "Do not covet your neighbor's wife. Do not covet your neighbor's house or land, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else your neighbor owns." Deuteronomy 5:21

I chose these two to begin with because they're linked (actually 5:21 is linked with a number of the other commandments). If you look at the world we live in it sometimes seems as though everyone wants someone other than the person they're with. It seems like half of them have looked past their vows to join up with another person (or several persons). God made it clear in several passages that we should keep ourselves pure. Staying pure includes being faithful to your spouse as well as avoiding sexual relations outside of marriage if you are unmarried.

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 1994

you hold me close
you taste my tears
you take my hand
you call me dear
my dear companion
you walk with me
you shadow my thoughts
you paint all that I see
when I ache inside
it's because of you
you stay with me
when I feel blue
I sometimes wonder
if you'll ever leave
you whisper "no"
and I believe
you're always near
you linger close by
my constant companion
never says goodbye

Where we get ourselves into trouble is when we look at someone or something that someone else has and begin thinking it would be nice to have it/him/her for ourselves. As soon as you take this attitude, then you will not be able to stay happy with what you have - rather in your relationship or materialistically. God doesn't want us walking around all bummed out. If we keep ourselves focused on the Lord and not the things of this world then we'll be better off. And when temptation whispers, (you and I both know that it will, it always lingers near) it's best to just stop our train of thought and pray (since we can't always walk away).

Yep, I know that this is all over simplified. Life can be very complicated. However, you'll find that God has an answer for ever "but..." that we can come up with. For further thought on the subject:
1 Corinthians 3:11
2 Corinthians 6:14
Galatians 5:19-24
Proverbs 5:18
1 Corinthians 7:3
Colossians 2:8

If you have any questions or comments, suggestions for topics, or have a prayer request, feel free to send me an e-mail. Thank you for your time and support. May God be with you as you walk in this life filled with treacherous waters.
Peace, love, and forgiveness.
Leslie E. Johnson

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