Celebration in the Universe - 9/10/2000

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

New life
bought in Christ
blood has flowed
that love would show
in Christ our life
is sheltered in HIS price
paid on Calvary

Thank you, my Lord, my God
For this new life
for this robe washed in white
that one day my flight
might lead me Heavenly

Welcome to the celebration in this poetry ring, in my heart, in the universe. A few weeks ago there was a baptism at the church my family and I are currently attending. I wrote the above poem from that experience of watching a new person come into a life with Christ. I remember how I felt when this second life of mine was new. I thanked God for being patient with me and for never giving up on me. I prayed for those baptized and their families, that their life in Christ might be rich and their faith might be unbroken. However, there was a seed planted that day that I was unaware of. My Lord nurtured that little seed until the appropriate time when HE allowed me to see it blossom. Fruits of HIS labor.

-Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000

Brought to tears
by a child's simple joy
this is the joy
that YOU have promised us
this is the joy
that if we are open
we may receive
Lord, this is a blessed moment
Please help us
to feel this joy
every day
and especially
in our darkest moments

Over the Labor Day weekend we did a bit of traveling. Part business, part pleasure trip, at times the children and I were stuck in a hotel room with little to do except read or watch tv...... or talk. My daughter, who is coming of the age where parents (especially mothers) suddenly just don't understand, began a unexpected conversation with me. She wanted to know about God and Jesus and repentance and baptism and faith and living a Christian life. I was caught slightly off guard and I confess that I did not feel completely confident in trying to answer these questions. I have only been a Christian a few years and I did not grow up in a Christian home or with a good Christian example close by to look to. So I asked God to please just give me the words. I stumbled out answers to her questions. I used my own walk as an example to some of the questions. I was as honest as I should be, telling her that walking your life with Christ is not easy but always, always worthwhile. I told her that she would be under attack. There will be those who will oppose her, make fun of her, openly attack her faith. But also that Satan will make attacks from within. When her questions were exhausted and I could think of nothing else that I should try to explain, there was a moment of silence where we simply looked at each other. Then she said,
"Mom, I want to live my life with Christ."
I prayed with her as she asked Jesus to walk in her life. I broke to tears at this blessing that God put so loving into my arms. I could never have talked to my mother or fathers about much of anything in life, let alone to ask such deeply important questions. God has blessed me this relationship with my children and the chance to help them come to HIM so much earlier in their lives. It is a blessing of such depth and such height to have HIM use me in such a simple and yet such a life altering way. How can mere mortal words express such joy?

- Leslie E. Johnson copyright 2000
(this one is to music - let me know if you want to hear it)

I know you feel so tired
you're sure you can't go on
Too many days of misery
crying, "Lord, carry me home."
Know the peace you crave
is a soul's whisper away
Just say HIS name
HE blesses us while we pray

Can you hear the applause of Heaven
echoing down the halls?
Can you hear the angels weeping, singing
joy for us all?
Jesus opens HIS arms
welcomes us so warm
Open your heart to Jesus
and hear Heaven's applause.

I know the days seem long
the work load heavy to bear
Your soul feels awkward
putting worries in every prayer
Know the answers remain
in the Lord's whispered grace
Rest waiting in HIS love when
we finish this earthly race

Can you hear the applause of Heaven
echoing down the halls?
Can you hear the angels weeping, singing
joy for us all?
Jesus opens HIS arms
welcomes us so warm
Open your heart to Jesus
and hear Heaven's applause.

I hope that you will join me and my family in this celebration of joy and new life. I felt the need to shout it out loud. Next ring we will return to our discussion of the "Top Ten", the Ten Commandments. God be with you.
Peace, love, and forgiveness.

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