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Hello and welcome to my page celebrating Becca's second birthday.
This year I thought we would agian do something special and mayeb
unique for Becca's birthday.You can read about her 1st birthday
if you would like. Welcome and please read on if you want to see what my
plans are.

The morning of her birthday I plan to get up early.
I am going to go buy fresh flowers, the pretty autumn colored ones.
Then I am going to the cemetary. I will place fresh flowers and gifts
on Becca's grave. Then I plan on putting a fresh new flower on each
little person's grave. I say little person but I mean as many as I can
with the flowers I can afford. Going from small children like Becca.
Up to as far as i can.

After that I am going home and preparing a dinner.
When Chris (Becca's daddy) gets home we will eat and have a cake.
Once we have our dinner we are going back to the cemetary to do
something else for our daughter. We are releasing 100 balloons.
Each with her name and dates on it. Many with messages attahced.
Attatching the messages is so in a way they will reach to the heavens.

This year I hope to add something to this tradition tho. That is if
People like me want to add thier children. So let me explain how.
If you want your angel added to our balloon release just sign the book.
at the bottum. All I need is your angel(s) name and dates. So I can
place them on the balloons. You are welcome to leave a message to
be written on the balloon or for me and Becca. Also feel free to add
your name and e-mail address if you would like to talk to me. You are
welcome to e-mail me at

This is nothing big. My family will be present that is about it. But if
you want feel free to add your lil one because I would love to let her lil
angel friends know we care about them too. Here is the book to sign to be added.

If that guestbook doesn't work please leave your information in this one I don't want any one left out.

Poetry about Becca's 2nd birthday
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