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I have always loved music, but most of my life the majority of the songs that I was hearing and the bands I was seeing just didn't do it for me. Every once in a while a great song came along, but overall I just didn't like the whole scene. But then I found good old rock and roll, one of which was Cinderella. When I started listening to "hair bands" "glam rock", whatever you want to call it, I was hooked.
The music in general has helped me out. It's a great outlet. There is so much emotion, so much feeling. Whenever I'm down, I just pop in a CD. This band has taught me more though. They taught me that you need to get off your rear and be something. You need to pursue your dreams and never give up. You need to do what makes you happy. And when things get bad, they will get better. They've had plenty of obstacles put in their way, and had to go through alot to keep their dreams alive, but they've made it.
Back to the basics...I looked everywhere for some information on a Cinderella Fan Club. There wasn't one. I then looked everywhere for an official mailing list, but there wasn't one either. So I decided to start my own list. One where I would keep all the fans up to date, and spread all the new info, as well as share old info and facts, to get everyone more involved and excited about them. So I started this list. It went well, but I realized that without band or management support, it would be difficult to continue to supply the most current info, since I had to find it somehow, and hope I got to as soon as possible so that I wouldn't be spreading information that was weeks old and everyone already knew. I was willing to try it anyway, but I want this to be the best list possible, and I wasn't satisfied with how it was. So I worked to get management support, which I thankfully got.
Now, there are two lists. One is interactive, where anyone can post. The other is a newsletter-type list, where only I can post. I suggest to anyone that is interested that you join the interactive list, then if the amount of emails is too much, or you just don't want to be involved in that way, then switch to the newsletter.

Click here for more information on the interactive list
Click here for more information on the non-interactive list