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November 13, 2001 Inverview With Eric Brittingham 
by Kajem

What is your favorite thing about being in a band? 
I like the creative outlet and the opportunity to express myself through 
playing and performing it live.

What do you think of the resurgence of Rock and Roll? 
I don't think there has been a resurgence. What I really think is, that over 
the past ten years, there has been a strong sense of segregation of rock 
music. lately, it seems that people are starting to be more accepting, or 
should I say aware, of the fact that different genres of rock music have a 
lot to offer.

What's your favorite color? 
hmmm...i don't think i have one. black usually works LOL

What was the oddest/most interesting job you have ever had?
I've worked a lot of different jobs that you may think as odd. I've worked 
as a dog groomer, a carpenter, a film deliverer, 1st mate in a parasailing 
operation, marina attendant, retail clerk, icehouse worker, and the list goes 
on and on. the most interesting, by far, is playing in Cinderella.

Of all the bands you've played with, who was the most fun?
Wow, that's kinda hard to say. I've had a lot of fun with every band we've 
toured with. I would have to put poison or the bullet boys at the top.

What do you like best about yourself? 
I think I'm still trying to figure that out myself. LOL

What do your kids think about having a "rock star" dad? 
They think it's cool. They would probably would have thought it was coo
if they had been older back in the late 80's.

What do you think of all the "boy bands" and the girl singers that don't
have anything to do with writing the lyrics or music of their songs, and
that even lip sync at their concerts? Does it bother you at all? Or do
you enjoy listening to them?

To each, their own. If they enjoy what they're doing and are making people 
happy, then it's great.

What is your biggest pet peeve? 
Celebrities who air their dirty laundry, and expect sympathy for it, to 
promote themselves on T.V. 

Who is your favorite actor or actress? 
Tim Roth

Anything you'd like to share about upcoming plans for the band?
We've had some set backs recently. We're currently in litigation with Sony, 
over our recording contract. I can't comment on that subject any further than 
to say, we plan to record a new album as soon as we have things settled. 
we've been continuing to write and demo new songs and plan to tour next 

How do you want to be remembered? 
I would say, like most people probably would, with a smile.