The Orchid a Month Club is a great way to build up or start your collection. It also makes a wonderful gift that can be sent for as many months as you specify. The cost is only $29.95 (plus $8.00 for shipping & packing). Unlike a lot of the Orchid a Month plans, we guarantee that the plant will be getting ready to bloom with buds or a bloom spike started. All you have to do is put it in a bright spot and water it when the top of the mix is dry and watch the show unfold!
You can send a check or money order each month or we can keep your Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover card number on file and charge it on a monthly basis after we send your new orchid plant. We keep a list of the plants that you have already received and do not send duplicates. This is a great way to build a quality collection of blooming size plants.
You can start or stop the plan at anytime. Selections of plants are our choice at this price, but feel free to tell us what you like and we will try to comply with your request, although we cannot promise a red one everytime :). So, just call 1-865-966-5294 today and get started with your orchid adventure. You will not be disappointed - we guarantee it!