The phalaenopsis, also known as moth orchids or phals, arguably are the best orchid plant for growing in the home. They require only a bright spot, much like you would give an African Violet, with little or no direct sunlight. They are the blooming champions because individual flowers may last 3 months or more and they can rebloom from the nodes located below where the original flowers were on the stem. Indeed, a large mature plant may have some flowers year around.
Phals like a little more humidity and a little less dry in between waterings than cattleyas. They like temperatures that we are comfortable with, except some cool nights (below 60 degrees F) help to ensure that they will start their new bloom stems. Usually about three weeks of these cool nights, normally in the fall when it start cooling off outside, will do the trick. Give them some bloom boosting fertilizer (high phosphorus) at the same time as you are cooling them off and continue through to blooming to increase the number of flowers. Most people find phals very easy to grow and bloom in the house. They make great gifts and we can usually send plants with bloom spikes ready to flower for about $25.00 plus $8.00 shipping and packing. Smaller and larger plants are usually available for $12.00 to $35.00. Colors usually available include white, white with red lip, stripe, spots, yellow, and pink. Check out our catalog for descriptions of some available phals, although we have many more types in quantities too few to list.