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Greetings and welcome to our new catalog! We have many new and exciting plants to offer and some of the old standbys that everyone should have in their collections. We hope that you find your time looking through our listing a fun experience and that you discover some plants that would make good additions to your collection. We feel like this is the best listing we have produced and are proud to offer these outstanding plants at reasonable prices. Click on underlined plant names to see photos. Asterisk (*) by pots size indicates plant is blooming size. Please note we have many other varieties of orchids that are not listed because they were too few in number to list.


********************************************************************************************************************** Recent breeding in the Oncidiinae has produced some spectacular plants with much improved flowers and increased length of bloom (some can even challenge Phals). The Oncidiinae includes genera such as Oncidium (of course), Odontoglossum, Miltonia, Brassia, and some lesser known ones. Over the last several years we have increased our supplies of these plants and believe that you will really enjoy the colors, patterns, and blooming habits of these. **********************************************************************************************************************
95468 Brs. Elmore's Arachnid = (Brs. Mem Fritz Bodeker 'Witch Doctor' X Brs. verrucosa 'Knobs Creek') - Some very nice spider orchids are coming out of this cross. Long thin flowers of yellow with mahogany markings, some all the way to the tip of 14" to 18" flowers. - *6"-$25, 7"-$35

P199 Bllra. Marfitch 'Howard's Dream' AM/AOS - Plants blooming size, many to spike soon. In our opinion this is still the best of the newer Oncidiinae. Very dark purple with lighter pattern in petals and lip on huge flowers. *6"-$35

W032 Dgmra. Winter Wonderland 'White Fairy' - Blooming size, pure white large stars *6"-$35, *7"-$45

P053 Odtna. Susan Bogdanow 'Alsmeer' HCC/AOS - *6"-$35

R028 Onc. Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance' AM/AOS - Blooming size, red and white flowers with chocolate smell, a must have - *6"-$35, *7"-$45, *8"-$65

R133 Wils. Firecracker 'Red Star' - Plants blooming size - *6"-$35

P273 Odcdm. Black Beauty 'Multi Spike' - Dark flowers in profusion - *6"-$35

G071 Odbrs. Kenneth Bivens 'Santa Barbara' HCC/AOS - Tall stems of dark, spidery flowers - 2.5"-$15, *4"-$25, *6"-$35

R166 Mtssa. Royal Robe 'Jerry's Pick' HCC/AOS - Dark and floriferous - 2.5"-$15, *4"-$25 *6"-$35

Y142 Brsdm. Fly Away 'Miami' HCC/AOS - Bright, short spiders on long stems - *6"-$35, *7"-$45


********************************************************************************************************************** CATTLEYA DEAL - Buy over $100 worth of Cattleya hybrids and/or mericlones and we will send you a FREE seedling (of our choice).
C. aclandiae 'Joe Elmore' HCC/AOS X self - A selfing of our awarded aclandiae, late spring to summer bloomer. Husky seedlings, about 2 years from blooming - 2.5" pot - $25, 4" wood basket - $35

************************************************************************************************ Gift certificates are available from Elmore Orchids. Just send us payment (check or credit card) for any amount you choose and we will send the gift certificate to whomever you indicate. We can even send a card with the message of your choice if you request. So just take it easy and do your gift shopping with us.

94135 Lc. Irene Finney 'Spring Bounty' AM/AOS X self - Large lavenders with darker purple lips and yellow eyes; bloom your own clone of this popular grex - *6"-$35

94178 Lc. Shelly Compton 'Touch of Class' X Lc. Persepolis 'Splendor' AM/AOS - Huge whites with red/purple lips - *7"-$35, *8"-$45




E20 Slc. Jim Elmore 'Sweetheart' = (Slc. Dixie Jewels 'Suzuki' FCC/AOS X Slc. Pumpkin Festival 'Fong Yuen' AM/OSROC) - We had one of our best Jim Elmore's cloned for your enjoyment. These are a 3.5" intensely red flower on a compact plant. There is so much sparkle to the flower that it is hard to take a photo of, but Keith Davis supplied this good photo of a sibling which is very similar to the 'Sweetheart' clone. - 2.5" pots - $15, *4"-$25, 5"-$35, 5" compots (about 15 plants) - $50

E001 Slc. Barbara Elmore 'Hearts' AM/AOS (Plant Patent No. PP10243) - An Elmore Orchids exclusive. Clusters of 4" flowers on a vigorously growing plant. Purple petals with darker purple lip, well-defined yellow hearts in the petals, cream sepals. Pieces of original awarded plant. *6"-$50, *7"-$75

E077 Lc. Irene Finney 'Spring Bounty' AM/AOS - Large lavender corsage type with darker purple lip and yellow eyes, blooms between Easter and Mother's Day, wonderful sweet fragrance - *6"-$35

M3493 Slc. Jewel Box 'Dark Waters' AM/AOS = (C. aurantiaca X Slc. Anzac) - The Valentine's Day orchid; red flowers on a compact plant; makes a stunning specimen plant; one of those that everyone should have - 2"-$15, *4"-$25, *6"-$35

E075 Slc. Jewel Box 'Scheherazade' AM/AOS = (C. aurantiaca X Slc. Anzac) - Classic clusters of red for early spring, easy growing and blooming - *2"-$15, *4"-$25, *6"-$35

Slc. Mae Hawkins 'Miya' AM/AOS - Five inch true red flower on a compact plant; blooms 2 to 3 times a year when mature. Highly recommended - *4"-$25




PHAL SPECIAL - Buy over $100 worth of our Phal hybrids and/or mericlones and we will send you a free seedling of our choice.


BUY PHALS BY COLOR - Select from white, pink, white with red lip, yellow, red, and multifloras (numerous smaller flowers). Sent in spike as available. 5" pots - $18, 6" pots - $25

98542 Dtps. Elmore's Sweetheart = (Dtps. Taisuco Candystripe X Phal. Carmela's Pixie) - Actually a sib cross of our two awarded clones 'Jerry' AM/AOS and 'Joe' HCC/AOS. Branching inflorescenses produce a profusion of 2" dark purple flowers with stripes and some spots. Spectacular! *4" pots - $18, *5"-$25

98536 Phal. Elmore's Brother = (Phal. Brother Sally Taylor X Phal. Brother Love Fresh) Most are dark red, well shaped flowers, about 3" natural spread. Some with a little yellow or white showing through. Very nice! - *5"-$20, *6"-$25, *7"-$35




555 Renanthera imschootiana 'Harold Elmore' AM/AOS - Keikis from the original awarded plant. Plants stand from 12 to 18 inches tall and usually bloom in early April; first come, first served. - *Bare-root-$200

95320 Ascda. Pralor 'Barbara Elmore' HCC/AOS - Elmore Orchids exclusive, numerous 1" red/orange flowers on small plant, blooming several times a year, often on multiple spikes, see the January 2003 issue of "Orchids" for a photo of the flower in an article by Robert Fuchs on Ascocendas. Here is a photo our mother plant with two bloom spikes. - 2" net pots-$15, 4" wood baskets-$20

E037 Onc. Louise Elmore 'Wanda' AM/AOS = (Golden Sunset X Firecracker) - An Elmore Orchids' exclusive offering; very popular; white background flushed with pink, a few reddish spots and blotches on petals, large flower for an equitant. See our ad in the April, 1995, issue of the AOS Bulletin for a color picture. Plants grow well, we received a CCM at the same time the AM was awarded - Regular *2"-$15, Large 2"-$20

T2333 Brs. Rex 'Sakata' AM/AOS - Large yellow spiders with mahogany blotches; superb - *6"-$45, 7"-$55

Den. kingianum - Small purple flowers in winter; incredible sweet fragrance, compact plants. Easy to grow, needs some cool nights to set bloom. Flowering-size plants - *2.5"-$12, *4"-$20

34 Bulbo. rothschildianum 'Jerry Elmore' AM-CCM/AOS - Bare-root divisions of our awarded one; spectacular - *6" pots - Regular $75, SPECIAL $45




N32 Platycerium superbum - The largest of the staghorns on a single plant basis; it does not produce offsets at its margins. My sons grew these from spores - 4"-$7 and up in size and price. Ask about other species of staghorns.

N33 Anthurium andreanum - Big red heart-shaped flamingo flowers; blooms a lot and the flowers look like plastic and last about as long - *6"-$25




Plastic Pots:

2" Std............................................$0.20
4" Azalea.......................................$0.25
5" Azalea.......................................$0.40
6" Azalea.......................................$0.60
7" Azalea.......................................$0.85
8" Azalea.......................................$1.75
10" Azalea.....................................$2.50


Promix HP (Peat/Perlite Mix)

1 Cu. Ft............$15
4 Cu. Ft Compressed Bale..............$65