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When The Black Wind Blows-Prologue

by: SchalaZ942 /PRLNCESSVL

Long ago the planet of Kwancha was engulfed in an apocalyptic war. This war was responsible for the total destruction of an advanced society. Their weapons disrupted the balance of the planet, sending it into a bleak ice age. With this time of darkness upon the world's people a new dawn would soon come. Millenniums past and the people of this world changed slowly. New races and species came into existence, while older ones died off. Some developed specials powers. These powers included psychic abilities and the power to control the forces that make up the world. The latter power would come to be known as magic. Magic would divide the people into two main groups, those who had magical powers and those who didn't. Their were two types of magic users. They were the humans and the maolyns. Few humans had magical powers as those who had evolved them first continued to evolve. That would bring us to the maolyns. Maolyns were humanoid in form and looked some what like the elves you read about in fairy tales. Since they were more advanced then the humans they soon became the world leaders and created more complex societies. Although they considered themselves better then the humans they did, however, allow those few with magic powers to be around them. This created two important social orders. The humans who had no magical powers lived apart form anyone who had such powers. They would later be referred to as the "Earthbound ones." The earthbound ones would become the lower class. On the other hand the people who had magical powers created great societies for themselves. They would soon be known as the "Enlightened ones." The humans who knew magic would become the middle class and the maolyns would be the upper class. Society evolved quickly and soon several great kingdoms existed. The two most important ones were Zeal and Mirana. This story begins in Zeal.

The Kingdom of Zeal was one of the world's greatest. The impact of magic on the land was evident as the entire kingdom floated in the sky. While the world below lay in an eternal winter, Zeal maintained an almost Mediterranean climate. This great land was only for the enlightened ones, however. The earthbound ones were forced to try to survive in the frozen land below. These class would remain unchanged for many years. The year is 12,000 and the current monarch of Zeal is Queen Jenna Zeal. Since her power was so great she was often known just as "Queen Zeal." She had two children. Her daughter was named Schala. Schala was the elder of the two. In 12,000 she was fourteen years old. People say she had her mother's beauty. Her hair was a rich blue and her eyes matched. She was fair tempered and very kind. The people of Zeal felt very lucky to have someone like Schala as their future queen. The second child was another story. His name was Janus. He was basically the exact opposite of Schala. He was nine years old. His chin and nose were too pointy. His ear seemed much too large for his head and he was very thin. His long hair was a pale blue and his eyes were a dark red. He was also extremely pale complicated. He had no friends save his sister and his cat, Alfador. Most people thought that something was mentally wrong with him, but that was not entirely true. He just didn't like people so he kept to himself. Their had also recently been two different kings of Zeal who both tragically died. Their names were Xavier Juexin and Sierex Esadii. The first king was the father of Schala and the second was Janus's.

Skyway 33
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