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Reunion Info

Who: Farragut High School Class of 1990
What: The Best 10 Year Reunion in Knoxville History
When: August 19, 2000, 6 p.m. - well past midnight
Where: Gettysvue Polo, Golf & Country Club
Why: It'll be the most fun you've had since high school!

Payment Information

The cost is $50 per person if you pay before July 15th.
After that, the price increases to $60 per person.
This price includes a great program complete with a slide show and registration for great door prizes, a spectacular buffet dinner and a live band that will take the stage at 9:30!
A cash bar will be available.

A memory book complete with everyone's current e-mail addresses, mailing addresses and phone numbers will be available at a cost of $10. The memory book will include information about all of your classmates from favorite high school memories to what they're doing now. These books must be ordered in advance to guarantee availability.

Please send all checks to:
A Classy Reunion
PO Box 5900
Knoxville, TN 37928

If you have any questions, please call our reunion coordinator, Shelley Rogers, at (865) 687-8894 (days) or (865) 637-4473 evenings.

Info Sheets
Please turn in the information sheets included in the latest mailing as soon as possible,
but no later than July 15th.

Even if you are unable to attend the reunion, please fill out the info sheet so we can include you in our program.

You can mail the info sheets to the address above or fax them to (865) 938-7639.
You are also welcome to e-mail the information to

We will have a photographer present at the reunion to take a class photo.
Cost for an 8x10 photo is $12.
You may pay for these in advance or at the reunion.