
Sailing Ceremony:

When a ship of Port Kar begins its journey
upon the waters the captain
performs a short ceremony.
He gathers wine,oil and salt ,
then just before they cast off
he says Ta-Sardor-Gor, Ta-Thassa.
"To the Priest-Kings and to the sea"
he then slowly pours the wine and oil and salt
into the waters.

In Torvaldsland They do this a little differently...
They drink the wine,
use the oil to protect Thier Blades
and ignore the salt.....
the common words spoken
are more along the lines of
"Lookout Gor, The Men of the North are out to Raid"

Disownment Ceremony:

A parent,
who is of same Caste places Him/Her
had on the hilt of his sword
or symbol of Their Caste,
the other hand is placed
on the symbol of the city
or homestone of the family
and these words are spoken…
"This person is disowned
and no longer a member of our family or caste."
The person named is then without family or caste.

In Torvaldsland
they usually just Kill the Urt
and go Raiding.

Funeral Ceremony:

The common ceremony of a warrior
is one where a pyre is built
by his friends and caste members of ka-la-na wood,
which are trimmed and squared.
The pyre takes the form
of a structured, tiered, truncated pyramid.
Free women then carry jars
of perfumed oils and sprinkle it on the pyre.
The body of the Warrior
is borne on the shoulders of 4 Warriors,
on crossed spears, lashed together.
The body is wrapped in scarlet leather.
The funeral procession follows,
they do not chant,
or sing, or carry the boughs of ka-la-na
nor play an musical instrument.
At such times Goreans do not sing or speak,
they are silent,
for at such times words mean nothing,
and would demean or insult.
For Goreans there is only silence,
memory and fire.
A family member
or one who was close to the person
lights the pyre.

In Torvaldsland
the only difference to this is the Body
is Placed in His Ship
and launched out to sea

Looking Into The Blood - a Gorean Ritual:

After killing a foe or beast
the victor drinks a mouthful
of the victims blood then.....
"One looks into the blood in one's cupped hands.
It is said that if one sees one's visage black
and wasted one will die of disease,
if one sees oneself torn
and scarlet one will die in battle,
if one sees oneself old and white haired,
one will die in peace and leave children."

Friendship or Blood Brother Ritual:

The two men shake hands,
greeting each other as Friend
and then taste the salt
from the back of each others hand.

'AND' Ceremony:

This ceremony is done
between two people,
Rarius usually.
The more experienced
or knowledgeable one
usually does the asking.
(before asking in Public
it is Best to discuss this privately)

Taking a blade and making a Honor
cut on your forearm,
the one you are bonding with does similar.
Grasping one another's forearms
allowing the blood to mingle,
you state an oath.

Below is a sample oath:
My blood and yours mingle to be one
My Honor and Your Honor become one
My foes and Your foes become one
From this day forward know that you will always have
...a sword to guard your back
...a Brother to turn to when in need
...no matter what the need or circumstances
Till the City of Dust Claim us.
This is my Vow and Oath to you

The Branding Ceremony:

The Master secures the slave
in the branding rack
(shaped rather like an X-shaped table,
with either snap-bracelets (manacles)
for her wrists and ankles
at the ends of the X,
or metal rings set into the wood
so her wrists and ankles
might be secured with binding fiber.
A removable vise-like clamp
fitted with spinning twist handles
to adjust the tension can
be attached to the left leg platform,
to hold the slave's left thigh motionless
during the actual branding.

The Master holds up the heated branding iron,
white hot,
for the slave to see and says,
"You will soon be branded, girl."
When the brand is ready, he holds it above here left thigh and says, "You are now to
be branded, slave girl."
He then brands the slave,
pressing it firmly into her skin
for five full Ihn (seconds),
then swiftly and cleanly removes it.
He examines the mark closely,
hoping that it was clean
and deep enough to create an
excellent brand.
It is common Gorean practice
to allow the slave the luxury of screaming,
since it is in effect
her final act as free person.
Sometimes assistants are standing
by with small vials of oil
and salve, which they then dab
onto the brand to reduce
chance of infection
and promote faster healing.
The Master then frees the slave
from the rack.

In Torvaldsland
there are many times when no rack
is available so in that case
any firm object will serve to bend a girl over,
and hold her steady.....
the main thing is to get a clear and clean brand
for to mar a girls skin with a smudged
or poorly done brand says alot about Him
that holds the iron...

FC Ceremony:

The planet of Gor does not have marriage,
but has Free companionship.
Its the signing of a contract,
between a Free Man and Free Woman,
for the duration of one year.
If, at the end of that time,
both parties wish to continue,
the contract is renewed.
For a Free Woman,
realize that you are now under your FC.
You have entrusted him to now protect you.
He will take care of you.
But you also lose some of the freedom
you have acquired,
as he is Your FC.
His word does become your law.
An FC can be chained to the end of the bed,
usually the Free Woman is the one chained there.
When you have found the one you
feel you want to FC with,
there is normally an announcement made,
in the room,
that you are commencing to court.
During that time,
really get to know your partner.
There is no set time limit for courting,
as it is between the two of you.
When you both decide this is what you want,
then go to the bride to Be's Father,
brother or Ubar/Jarl he will set a bride price
that Must be fullfilled,
when this is done you will
announce a date for the ceremony.
Below is a sample contract
feel free to add, delete,
change wording as it fits your needs.
This is ONLY a sample, a guideline.
After you make your contracts,
then you need to make your ceremony preparations.
You need someone to Officiate it,
decide if anyone is standing with you,
who is walking the Free Woman to the Free Man,
what type of
ceremony you want.
There are three examples of ceremonies,
which you may choose to use
or you may design your own,
keeping in mind that the MOST important part
is the signing of the contracts.

Contract between [insert both names]
I, as [insert your name] of [insert your homestone],
have the following possessions
which I bring into this relationship:
[List your possessions]
To You [name of your soon to be FC],
I pledge these things:
1. To be faithful to You and Our Free Companionship
2. To uphold Your honor
3. To protect You and heal You in times of need
4. To share with You the ownership
of My slaves and My homes
5. To honor You above ALL others
6. To bring honor to Your name
and Our joined households
7. To respect You, [enter FC's name],
as my Companion and as My protector
8. To discuss with You any acquisition of new property
9. That I share with You, [enter FC's name],
the decision and responsibility,
in reguard to slaves,
of any harsh punishments,
and piercing.
10. To love You as my FC, Lover, Friend,
and Brother/Sister through the bad
times as well as the good times.