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Hannah Peale is as beautiful and untamed as the land she is so captivated by... the rugged Montana Territory. Working on her father's newspaper, The Montana Statesman, Hannah relishes the freedom she experiences in Curtis Wells, and the respect she has acquired there as one of its prominent citizens. She is bold in her beliefs and feminist in her views. Her strong will and free spirit endear her to the entire town, but most especially her very protective father.  Hannah is constantly pursued by the handsome southern colonel, Francis Clay Mosby, but her heart truly belongs to a cowboy as wild and  unpretentious as the west itself, Newt Call





Hannah Peale was born in 1858 into a loving home of two caring parents, and one older brother, Austin Peale. In 1873, the Peales moved out west, who as many were, following a dream. This dream turned into a nightmare as Hannah's mother dies shortly after arriving from cholera. Hannah immediately took over as the woman of the house, caring for her father, Josiah Peale, and her mischievous brother Austin Peale. When two completely diffrent men arrive suddenly in Curtis Wells, she finds herself the object of two men's affections. Hannah is instantly smitten with Newt Call, who she shortly weds in 1878. 



Hannah and Newt

Hannah and Newt