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Trusting, yet not naive; kind, yet firm and bold, Mattie Shaw is a tough, idealist with an astute wit, that at times seems threatened by the chaos around her. In midst of a town in despair, she brings an open-minded hopefulness and truth that is vital to the community. Her friendship with UnBob is sincere and endearing.  She also seems to be one of the only people that has an untainted relationship with Mosby, who helps her overcome feelings of loss for her father.  It seems Mattie has finally found the home she needs, in the most unusual of places. 





Mosby and Mattie

Mosby and Mattie





Mattie Shaw seemed destined to be a tomboy...

 Her affluent mother left when she was five. Growing up in a most unusual home, Mattie Shaw greatly loved her father; with whom, she decided to follow her dream of coming out west and starting a gun shop. Mattie grew up around guns, as her father was a United States Officer, in charge of specialized military weapons. While traveling just outside of Curtis Wells, her father died suddenly of heart failure. Heartbroken, and completely alone, she gave up the will to keep moving and journeyed into the near town of Curtis Wells. There Mattie, always in character, first met Newt Call, while pointing a rifle at his head.

  Now, many barriers still stand in her way as she carries on, for women are few and far between in such a profession. Eventually, she finds a place to set up shop, sharing her store with the local undertaker. Her dreams are almost thwarted when the undertaker runs off with a Spanish dancer, leaving her unable to pay the rent. With a will of iron, Mattie stubbornly refuses to "throw in the towel" and takes up the profession herself, with some help from her good friend UnBob.

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