Is. 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him.
WOUNDS- 7 outward bleedings, flow of blood cleanses.
a) Garden- sweat as great drops of blood, bought back our will. (Luke 22:44)
b) Crown of thorns- Thorns (represent the curse) poverty, pierce the brow, the blood breaks the curse.
c) Visage marred- lost His face to save ours. Integrity, we can hold our head high.
d) Whipping post- 39 stripes, 39 root diseases.
e) Hands-authority, works, lay hands on the sick, they will recover.
f) Feet-walk, kingdom of heaven at hand, possess where sole of foot treads.
g) Side-physical symbol heart burst, heal brokenhearted, you can be whole. We need the water (washing of the water by the word, Eph.5:26).
BRUISED-For our iniquities; bruise, bleeding under the skin, in the flesh. Symbolic of a bruise-Lev.17: 13.
Iniquity- inward force that causes you to bow to it’s destructive force.
Inherited weakness that causes or drives you to do things you shouldn’t.
Tendency to sin passed down to the third or fourth generation.
Iniquity causes a faultline, pressure builds, erupts into sin. (Manifests as sin)
Fault-Webster’s-A slight offence; a defect; a flaw; a break or dislocation of strata.
Ps.66: 6-reguard iniquity in heart, God does not hear.
James 3:6 –tongue a fire, a world of iniquity, set on fire course of nature.
Ps.119: 133-order steps in word, no iniquity have dominion.
Prov.22: 8-sow iniquities reap vanity.
Is.6: 7-live coal on mouth, iniquity taken away, sin purged.
Ps.36: 2&3-flatter self-iniquity found hateful, words of mouth iniquity and deceit.
Job15: 5&6-mouth uttereth iniquity, mouth condemns thee.
Job 4:8-plow iniquity, sow wickedness, reaps the same.
Ps.130: 3-if the Lord marks our iniquities, who would stand?
Ps.19: 12-Cleanse me from secret faults.
Mat.18: 15-Brother trespass against thee, tell him his fault.
James 5:16-Confess faults one to another may be healed.
Gal.6: 1&2-If man overtaken in a fault, you who are spiritual restore such a one. In spirit of meekness, considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
GOD-without iniquity, Deut.32: 4, 2Chron. 19:7
JESUS-no fault found in him at all. Luke 23:4, John 18:38, 19:4-6. Not conceived of man, but of God. (Luke 1:35) He came in the flesh, remained faultless, and has legal access to us, able to present us faultless. Jude 24
SATAN-iniquity found in him. (When Adam and Eve, willfully came under Satan’s covering, submitting to his authority, sin resulted and brought the curse.) Iniquity is drawn with cords of vanity.Is.5: 18
INHERITED-passed to the third and fourth generation, Ex.34: 7, Num. 14:18.
Ps.51: 5-Behold I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. We are all born this way.
King David-2Sam.12: 1-13 Sin forgiven, sword will not depart from your house. Jews always had forgiveness of sin. Blood sacrifices, but they were not exempt from the moral liability of their sin. They were not free INDEED. The curse of sin had not yet been broken. O the cross when Jesus said it is finished, it was. Curse began with a tree, and was paid for completely on a tree.
TRUTH-it’s the truth you know and understand that makes you free, John 8:32-36.
INDEED-in action, not to be a slave, unrestrained, liberated, exempt from moral liability.
Hos.4: 6-my people are destroyed (on going process) for lack of knowledge.
SAVED-SOZO-4982 Strong’s-to save, deliver or protect, to make WHOLE. We are not saved, we are born again, our sins have been forgiven, and salvation is a process. We are being saved. Salvation is a process; forgiveness is immediate with confession.
1Cor.1: 17&18-The cross of Christ,
CHRIST-Messiah, The anointed one, burden removing, yoke destroying, power of God
Is.10: 27. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.(Heb. 13:8) Christ in me the hope of glory (Col.1: 27). Mind of Christ (1Cor.1: 27).
JESUS-died for forgiveness of sin. The wages of sin is death. Rom.6: 23. He could have died in any manner. Stoning, sword, dying paid for our sin. The way he died broke the curse. Dying on the cross broke the curse.
CROSS-Gal.3: 13-we are redeemed from the curse, he being made a curse for us.
Deut 21:22&23-thought to be accursed of God. (Worst sinners died this way)
Strong’s-Greek 4716-fron the base of 2476-a stake or post (as an instrument of capital punishment) fig. exposure to death, i.e. self-denial.
2476-to stand (lit. or fig.) abide, appoint, bring, continue, COVENANT, establish, stanch, and stand. Mat.16: 24 take up your cross (covenant) and follow mw.
REDEEMED-from all iniquity, Titus 2:14
PEACE-through the blood of his cross, all things reconciled to him, present you unblamable, and unreprovable in his sight.Col.1: 20-22
AGREE-Amos 3:3-can two walk together, lest they agree?
CONFESS-1John 1:9-forgive sins, cleanse from all unrighteousness.
ACKNOWLEDGE-Ps.32: 1-5-Blessed man acknowledges sin, iniquity forgiven.
ADVOCATE-1 John 2:1-if any sin we have an advocate with the Father.
CHANGED-2 Cor.3: 18-changed from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord.
Simon-Acts 8:9-24-Simon used sorcery, believed on Jesus, tried to buy the gift of laying on of hands to receive the Holy Ghost. Peter rebuked him and perceived him to be in the bonds of iniquity. Simon responded, pray for me.
Mat.24: 12-And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Is.27: 9-By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this is all the fruit to take away his sin; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, the groves and images shall not stand up.
Prov.16: 6-By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.
Ps.85: 10-Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
When we meet God with truth, agreeing with him about what is right, he always gives us mercy. Jesus is the truth.