Before beginning your first confession session we ask that you pray the following prayer out-loud. Then be led of the Spirit of God to pray them as necessary. Thank You.
Prayer: Acknowledgement,
To the glory of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ I call heaven to record this day as I pray this prayer of agreement and make the following audible confessions. I speak toward heaven, toward hell and on the earth. I hereby understand and acknowledge as I do this in the plural I am encompassing and including myself, my family, my spiritual children, spiritual parents, my prayer partners, and ministries I am directly associated with. The local church I currently attend and all those I have legal spirtual access to. I receive every measure of faith available to me, and I add my measure of faith to every word of God prayer or confession made by those I have legal spiritual access to. I plead the blood of Jesus over each one of us, all that we are, hope to be, come into contact with and have legal spiritual access to, those that are far off and those that are nigh, including those that will come into understanding and believe because of us. I believe the creative power of God is still in His word, it is just as powerful today as it was when He spoke the world into existence. I rise up now and take dominion over the power of evil by the power of God’s word in my mouth. God created the universe by speaking faith filled words. I now set this method into motion by the words of my mouth. I am created in the image of God therefore I release my faith in words. God’s word is conceived in my spirit, formed by my tongue, and spoken out my mouth, causing the creative power in that word to work for me and bring God’s will to pass in my life on this earth. I acknowledge that words have the power to fulfill themselves according to the word of God. I am justified or condemned by the words of my own mouth, therefore I purpose to speak God’s word which is life, healing and health. By the word of God I keep myself from the paths of the destroyer. Thank you Father for the power of agreement, that where two or three agree concerning anything according to Your will it is done. I know that one puts a thousand to flight, and two ten thousand. I speak what I have seen and heard, I speak those things that be not as though they are, I believe therefore I speak. I proclaim I am in agreement with others who know and understand this principle of Your word and are actively confessing, and praying it, by speaking Your word out loud, to the glory and praise of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.
Each confession is in the present tense because we know and understand God is the, I Am, a God of the now. NOW FAITH IS!!! GLORY TO GOD!!! For an even more powerful confession, say "Thank You God" before speaking each one.
This prayer may be altered to accommodate ministries you are associated with or other variables as necessary.
1Cor.6:17, Amos 3:3, Jn.17:21, Jn.15:7, Mat.18:18, Eph.6:12, Jer.1:5-10, 1Kings 8:59, Mat.18:19, 1Jn.5:14&15, 1Thes.5:17, 1Tim.2:1&2, Jn.20:23, Lk.23:34, 1Jn.4:7, 1Pet.4:8, Rom.12:14, 2Cor.10:4&5, Is.6:8, Ez.22:30, 1Pet.5:7, 2Tim.2:12, Mat.19:26, Is.55:11, Phil.4:4, 1Pet.1:8, also based on Mark 11:23
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