Clay Pot Cooking Clay pots
are congenial inventions when it comes to cooking. You do Clay pot
meals are ideal when serving many guests. They can be kept Invest in at
least 2 clay pots, one for fish and one for meat, vegetables GENERAL RULES: 1. Always soak clay pot in water at least 15 minutes before using. 2. Always
place the clay pot filled with the food in a cold oven. Turn on 3. Never place the clay pot over a gas burner or on a hot electric burner. 4. Never
ever place a hot clay pot on a cold surface. The pot will crack 5. Never pour cold liquid into a hot clay pot. 6. Rinse and
wash pot after using. Do not use soap or other dish WHAT TO PREPARE IN A CLAY POT Almost any
food can be prepared in a clay pot--fish, poultry, meat, You may even
bake bread in a clay pot. First soak the pot in water, Fish can be
cooked in the pot either whole or cut into steaks or fillets. For pot
roast or other roasts, place meat on a layer of sliced Poultry,
like chicken or Cornish hens, may be stuffed before cooking. |
Clay bake ware
that is glazed with a hard, nonporous coating. If high- |