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God's Colorful Autumn

Enjoy the beauty of God's colorful autumn
His mighty works of nature are on display
Everywhere we see His colorful beauty
No brush of mortal man could portray.

The splendor God gives the landscapes
From mountains high into the valleys below
With striking colors lovely to behold
With love for us He planned it so.

As we look around at God's colorful autumn
Praying our heart is in tune with His own
May we remember the beauty He shared
Long after it has come and gone.

Dear God, may we never take for granted
This earth You created for us to enjoy and share
We know from the bible we have not seen anything
Compared to the beauty in heaven awaiting us there.

Glenna M. Baugh ©10-2008
Living by Faith
Used with permission

He hath made everything
beautiful in His time.

May the Lord Bless you and keep you safe in His arms!

Thank you for visiting with me!


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