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Rising early
Soft cool air
Peace and stillness
I feel You here

As others do sleep
Now in the morn
I bask in You alone
As a day is born

Gradually the skies
Grow lighter, then bright
Beautiful entrance of dawn
After darkness of night

Such is the pattern
Of life here on earth
One must experience death
Before tasting birth
We die to ourselves
Each moment, each hour
In so we have full life
Abounding in God's power

A single grain must die
For a multitude to live
Jesus did so for us
His life He did give

In turn we give too
And we gladly sacrifice
For eternal peace and joy
These are a small price

Just as the dark
Gives way to the day
Let us die to ourselves
To live the fullest way

The paradox beautiful
Both simple and true
God gives life through death
To me and to you

Rising early reminds me
of God and His plan
His loving sacrifice and
Eternal life for man
© 2011 Caroline Gavin
Used with permission
All Rights Reseved

May You always be covered by God's pure love!

Thank you for visiting with me Joan!!!

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