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Once Upon A Dream

We place our dreams into our soul
And pray one day it becomes a realized goal

Once I dreamed of a country home so neat
With flowered paths at my feet

A sunrise morn wakened by Rooster crow
A garden plot where I did grow

My favorite things I love so
In sunset glow a melody sweet
Of Mockingbird in near meadow
Echoing past my window seat

But that was once upon a dream
And now I tearfully let it go
Gone like the rose petals
Withered in the winter snow

Perhaps I'll find...
Another dream to dream

And if I should
I'll place it in a bottle
And let it float down stream
By Bonnie Ray © 2007
All rights reserved

Used with Bonnie's permission
To read more of Bonnie's poem click on Bonnie

May You always be covered by God's pure love!

Thank you for visiting with me!!



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