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Garden of Love

Garden of Love


Garden of Love
Written for a couple's
50th wedding anniversary

The Master Gardener
looked down one day
From His throne up
in Heaven above
And He witnessed the
joining of two tender hearts
As they vowed
their eternal love.

"I'll give them
a garden of roses",
said He
"To lovingly care
for and tend
Ten roses in all
I'll give to them
But one bud at
a time I'll send."

Down through the years
the rosebuds came
To fill the garden of love
And the Master Gardener
looked down and smiled
From His throne up
in Heaven above.

So patiently they labored then
From early morn
'til late at night
To make sure that
each little bud
Would prove a blessing
in God's sight.

Sunshine and rain,
laughter and pain
Times of plenty and
hard times too
They nurtured and
trained the roses
And marveled at
how well they grew.

Now one by one
they've left the garden
Each to start one of his own
And the Master Gardener
still looks down
And smiles from
His Heavenly throne.

"Well done,
my faithful gardeners
You have labored
long and well,
The results of your labors
Only time and eternity will tell."
By Ruth Sutherland

Ruth went with our
Savior in Heaven!
In June 2005
Used with permission.

"May you always be covered
in God's Pure Love!"
Thank you
for visiting me!
Love And Peace Joan



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