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He Rides A Harley In Heaven

His Harley was raked and polished with chrome and leather.
His hog must be at her best, for him there was no better.
Labeled an outlaw but not one of a deviant kind.
His image projected toward others was totally sublime.

Overwhelmed with the love of freedom and the open road ahead
Gave him a calling that he could not control, he just gave in instead
Rain or shine the Harley would rumble
With a prayer in his heart, never to tumble.

As the years passed and age showed in his face
His brothers of the road nor he ever lost the hunger for the pace,
I attended his wake beside such patriotic Americans
I'm proud to say with no refrain
A true brotherhood and love like family was the reign.

I think we should take another look at motorcycle riders of these days,
For what they have seems most of us have lost somewhere along the ways
Just because their mode of transportation you don't choose or agree
The next time you see a biker, smile, it will be returned....for it just may be me.
By R.BRENT 2003
Used with permission

May the Lord Bless you and keep you safe in His arms!

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