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Our Love never Grows Old



Our Love Never Grows Old
We are in the twilight
years of our life
Our memories are pure gold
Having coped with
tears and strife
Our love never grows old.

It was in the the
early springtime
When our love flamed
bright and true
God has truly blessed us
And after many years
our love is still new.

Each year our lives
have become richer
And we have aged like fine wine
And love is so much sweeter
With the passing of time.

We know not what the future holds
Or when our time together ends
But God has helped us to endure
By His grace we are
safe and secure.

Now our twilight years
are in God's hands
And each prayer we
know He understands
As we yield our all
to Him each day
Our love never grows old
when God we obey.
Glenna M. Baugh © 2011
"In our twlight years
love never grows old"
Quote by Glenna
Used with permission

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